Round 7 League 1?

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby Woody5 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:16 am

qk- You are the only one that is complaining and wanting a do over. How did 9 other people know what was going on especially when it was clarified on the first page this league was 80 mil no DH!

This is your issue and I am not re-drafting! You should have been paying attention.

List the players that are available and if this screws you and your standings in the tour.....that's your problem. Not ours!
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Postby Woody5 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:21 am

[quote:e8f4cee55b]2) Jeopardize the integrity of the standings of this league & therefore the Tour overall because the 9 other owners in this league will have an unfair advantage over the owners in other League 7s.[/quote:e8f4cee55b]

There was no unfair advantage. Those that screwd up were asleep at the wheel!

[quote:e8f4cee55b]I checked the Tour Rules. Event #7 is...

80 mil Salary Cap
Live Draft

I can be Commish if nobody else wants to do it. [/quote:e8f4cee55b]

This was posted on the 1st page by riggo. You have no excuse!! It was clarified.
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Postby FoggyOne » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:06 am

QK: Can you (or a leage admin) continue to draft the team?

We can then hvae someone from TSN or a 3p take it over. QK can then join another Event 7 League.

IMO the draft should be finished one way or another.
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Postby Woody5 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:54 am

Qk does not have grounds to leave this league. He was not missled and the rules are stated in Black and white on the Rules thread and in this thread. If he bails on this league......that should be grounds to boot him from the tour!
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Postby FoggyOne » Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:45 am

I strongly recommend we pause the draft until this is ironed out. Otherwise we will be stuck regardles of the final determination.

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The Draft is on HOLD...

Postby RiggoDrill » Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:48 am

Unless 10 other owners want to bail, [color=blue:874a9a3f93][b:874a9a3f93]WE ARE NOT GOING TO START THIS THING OVER[/b:874a9a3f93][/color:874a9a3f93].

I know [b:874a9a3f93]qk's [/b:874a9a3f93]decision is made in good conscience, so I've put the draft on temporary HOLD in the hopes that we can get him to change his mind within the next few hours. If qk elects to stay OUT, [b:874a9a3f93]Anthony Pisano[/b:874a9a3f93] will take over his team for NO POINTS in the Tour. As for any question of "legitimacy" of the league, I know Pisano WILL field a competitive team.

We'll get the draft rolling again by this afternoon at the latest. We should be able to finish and get teams loaded by Friday. Hope that works for everyone. :)

qk, please check PM. Thanks.

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Postby RiggoDrill » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:03 am

I think qk's position is reasonable. I must take some responsibility. Chuckul posted that is was a 100 mil league at top of thread. My "correction" is buried in the middle of the 1st page. I should have made more noise that we were drafting for an 80 mil Salary Cap.

That said, I mess up my drafts all the time. In this one, I dropped my #3 pick (Kendall) and replaced him after 100 other players had been taken.

I'm hoping qk can make some trades to fix his Cap situation and continue the draft. If not, Anthony Pisano will take over. We'll restart the draft within a couple of hours...
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Postby qksilver69 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:11 am

I'm willing to give it a shot, but $80M no DH vs $100M no DH is just very very different. I am open to trading anyone but here are the main players I am looking to deal:

Lidge or K-Rod

Also probably sal cap casualties:

Let me know if interested & we'll try to clean up this mess, otherwise happy to hand over to AP.
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Postby RiggoDrill » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:22 am

[b:6fec8b09e9]qk[/b:6fec8b09e9], posted a couple of trade offers to Draft Site. LMK if you've got other ideas...

email is: [color=blue:6fec8b09e9][b:6fec8b09e9][/b:6fec8b09e9][/color:6fec8b09e9]
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Postby hendrix08 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:44 am

qk, I sent you a PM.
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