2005 JaserD Tourney - Rnd2 / League #1

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby mesquiton » Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:56 pm

If we wait much longer we'll be starting a week after the other leagues, or at best have no time to tweak our teams after waivers.

League 4 has also been waiting for an AWOL manager. They finally set a deadline of midnight Sunday, then he will be replaced by the next alternate in line, cminton. Robvoz, if you are the commish for this league, why not check with JaserD (or Riggo?) and do the same?

If cminton goes to League 4, next in line would be uncle ny. How 'bout we set a deadline, and have uncle ny ready in the wings (or cminton if he's still available) to fill SW's spot.
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Postby Cubs48 » Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:03 pm

Sounds like a reasonable and fair solution if all attempts to reach sw85254 have failed... :)
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Postby mesquiton » Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:57 pm

It's been almost a week since robvoz tried to contact SW via league mail in the league they are in together. I just did a PM search, and sent SW a PM as well. I hate to see anybody skipped, but we can't wait forever for folks who don't check in.

Since robvoz mentioned earlier that he'll be unavailable this weekend, I'll PM JaserD and Riggodrill, maybe one of them can give us a ruling in the meantime.
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Postby BigAlric » Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:59 pm

Where do we stand with this draft? I probably will have some problems with internet access in the next 2 or 3 days.
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:46 pm

Good question, BigAl. Unless SW suddenly shows up, doesn't look like anything will happen soon. I sent messages to JaserD and RiggoDrill yesterday, requesting that one of them visit this thread and post a ruling on replacing our AWOL manager, but no response yet.

Looks like 2 of the other 3 leagues are no further along than we are. Overall, interest in this tournament seems to be approaching the level of "who cares?" :?
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Postby CHADGUMM » Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:14 pm

This waiting around things is starting to get ridiculous. I think it's time to find a replacement ASAP and fill this league as soon as we possibly can.

The west teams should have their teams ready to enter.
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Postby JASEDOANE » Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:49 pm

I think the change of boards has hurt the continuity of this tny this year. Regardless, let's give SW until noon tomorrow before posting for a replacement. I'll look again in the morning, but it looks like the replacement should be one of a number of teams from Rd 1 that had 76 wins (cminton at 78 is a replacement in Lg 4).

With all of the 76 win teams, we'll probably post a first come first serve from those eligible. Let's plan on filling this week and starting a week from tomorrow (Mon).
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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:58 am

I am not one that likes to make decisions on these sort of things, and I will message SW one last time in our league from round 1. But due to the fact that i can't recall seeing another post from SW(not the same SW aqs SWpsychic - which is actually me) on these boards since the 1st round commenced and the fact that I am certain he is at least a newbie if not a 1st timer - I suggest that we find a replacement for this league from the next availble win pct. player from the 1st round and move forward tomorrow as Jaser suggested. Just my 2 cents.

I will send off the message with a Monday deadline of 5PM EST(Which would be around 2PM MST (Or did Daylight savings commence yet - which would make it 3PM HERE.

Hope to see this up and running in another day or so. I have had terrible drafts, waivers and missed my last 3 frenzies due to work and those teams are getting stomped. I am hoping to make the next round, but I can't afford another notemare like those 3 Leagues to so so. SWPsychic(Aka robvoz)
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Message Sent

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:09 am

With all due pertinent info. That is the best I can do. Bedtime...zzzzz...
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Postby doctrcpa » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:10 pm

Jase/Rob (SW) - I am willing to pinch hit if you need me. I am leaving the office now and will check the boards tonight.

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