Event 3, League 7 - Sign-Up Thread (Live Draft)

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby barnicle » Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:11 pm

I'm ok with it as well.
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Postby DHowser » Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:16 pm

actually Big, my post did say that maybe we should give Tee another day since we weren't planning on starting until Monday anyhow. It's been another day and still no word from him. I definitely have no problem with you doing the # randomizer.
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Postby mfsleeze » Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:50 pm

I'm Ok and a Monday start sounds good.
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Postby salmonbellies » Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:39 pm

It's OK with me too
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Postby FoggyOne » Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:56 pm

I accepted Uncles invite to join (from my BlackBerry accessing the forums on the BB browser) but I am already in an event 3. The commissh there gave that one an odd name, so it wasnt readily recognizable to me on my list fo teams (from my BB). I confused event 3 with event 2 where I wa in last league to form. Any way, it is completely my fault.

If you want another GM whose points count towards the Tour...
Feel free to replace me. Otherwise I am happy to act as a fill in (but other lg should count towards tour).

I wanted to be up front given uncle's invite and be clear that I want to make him "my Auntie".

Let me know what you guys decide and I will abide.

Again, sorry.
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Postby bigmahon » Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:39 am

[b:4a6fdaad14]Foggy, pls stay in. [/b:4a6fdaad14] :D

Here is the order. I will set the draft up soon and post the new id's.

List Randomizer
There were 12 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

6. stevep107
12. Wockenfuss
7. onesweetowrld2
3. Salmonbellies
8. Red Beards
1. bigmahon
11. uncle ny
2. mfsleeze
4. barnicle
9. DHowser
5. ArrylT
Timestamp: 2008-07-13 09:34:49 UTC

We can start now but the clock will be off. In fact, no clock until Round 1 complete, then we switch to 3 hour clock.

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Postby bigmahon » Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:11 am

OK, draft has been created, and it is up and running! The name of the draft is TOUR3LG7. stevep107 is up with the first pick! Feel free to make picks if you wish today, but the clock will be off until we start in earnest tomorrow.

You can find the draft site here: [url]http://som.somdraft.com/[/url]

The following users are new on the site. New players passwords are set to TEST for now. You can change pw's once you are logged in.


Wock/Foggy, I have used the FOGGYONE id for you.

New drafters [b:0e8828387c]please[/b:0e8828387c] read the useful HELP section on the site, especially the bit about proxy functionality. Leaving proxies helps move the draft along, and keeps in-draft bickering to a minimum. So use them!

Any questions, ask myself or Wockenfuss or uncleny.


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Postby stevep107 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:27 am

Hi guys,

I have made my first pick. We are underway!

Just a quick note to everyone. I live in Australia and the time here is 12 hours ahead of EST in North America. So there may be times when I might hold things up a bit...hopefully not because I will use proxies as much as possible but just wanted to let you all know.

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Postby ArrylT » Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:44 pm

I'm gone for rest of day - but I don't expect my turn to come up - will pick tomorrow morning or load proxies (depending on where draft is at).
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Postby bigmahon » Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:11 am

Onesweetowrld2 is up with the #3 pick. :D

Let's get moving today people. Get your proxies set up for the times you will be afk.
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