I went back and read the rules and it does say to use the weighted waivers however they didn't state that here in this posting. I can see if the commish can change this for us.
Spicki is correct. That is what I did. If you are signed up in the league already, go to your team and click on switch to another league. The league is event 1 League 7A. I will pm the password to all. Sorry about the mix up. My fault totally.
The league and password has been pm'd to everyone in the league. Once again sorry about the mix up. Everyone that was already signed up, just go in and switch to the other league. :oops:
[quote:6aec74723f]Am I the only one with a feeing we are all most all going for the same 25 players and it comes down to where you put them on your draft card.[/quote:6aec74723f]
god i hope not!...but yes it does feel that way...
6 teams in, 6 to go then we see who put who on their draft cards. I didn't put him, or him, or him, or ............. Didn't think I would actually say at this point who I am not going for did you? :lol: