by BILLBONNIE » Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:05 pm
mequitron- consider the trade done, I'll take the 11th spot and you can have seven. so whomever sets up the draft please do so accordingly.
Setting up the draft, if it needs to be done, I too am familiar with the site, so if need be I'm sure a few of us can put our heads together and get it set up. I'm all for someone doing it, but if nobody is comfortable, I'll happily give it a shot and can do it tommorrow afternoon(remember I'm on Pacific time). I'll check back late morning/mid day and see what is going on. Also, for those not familiar with the site, please ask about proxies, they will automatically fire if you set them up and it makes the draft go very smoothly if you can't be available(ive drafted whole teams via proxies on penn's site, it does work). I'll be happy to try and answer any questions, anyone has, though I haven't used the site in over a year as I've not been around much,(used to live draft often in ATG).
Ok, that about does it, nite nite all, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite and kiss your mate/spouse in the morn. :-)