The Dugout: A player's place.

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Semifinals/Finals Notes

Postby mesquiton » Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:00 pm

This year's 12 finalists (semifinals survivors) include 7 of the top 12 seeds, only 2 from seeds 13-24, and 3 from seeds 25-36. (Last year, the 12 finalists included 4 each from the top, middle and bottom 12 seeds.)

Who knows how much of this year's outcome (or last year's) is due to luck. I think the parity in skill at this level of competition makes luck the biggest factor no matter what the system, but of course others might disagree.

Whatever the reason, this year's results do seem to suggest that earning a high seed in the qualifying rounds equals a substantial advantage in the semifinals.

Doesn't look to me like the top seeds need any additional help, extra points, combined results, etc.

Having said that, I'd vote with those who want live drafts for future semis. Not to reduce "bad luck" in the semis for those who "should" make the finals (IMO, successful autodrafting takes no less skill, luck cuts both ways, and "bad luck" can just as easily be why somebody has a low seed in the first place...or maybe they just sacrificed some points in the standings to save their best ballpark for the semis).

But, I do think live drafts would add to the interest and drama of the semis, and be a great tuneup for those who advance to the finals.
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