Event 2, League 5 Sign-ups - DRAFT STARTED

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:24 am

Rube is still up for a stadium pick
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Postby edgecitytx » Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:29 am

Name: Tour Event 2, League 5
password: 5thisbest

1. mesquiton (Ameriquest) - in
4. Edgecitytx (PNC) - in
7. BD Bruisers (Miller) - in
10. JeepDriver (Shea) -

3. FoggyOne (Citizen's Bank) -
6. Terry101 (Comerica) -
9. SGT D (Coors) -
12. RiggoDrill ( ? ) -

2. Cubit (US Celular) -
5. Luckeroll (Yankee) -
8. Coffeeholic (Turner) -
11. Rube ( ? ) -

Jeep to fill the East, still need stadium picks from Rube then Riggo
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

I'm in!

Postby Jeepdriver » Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:52 am

Name: Tour Event 2, League 5
password: 5thisbest

1. mesquiton (Ameriquest) - in
4. Edgecitytx (PNC) - in
7. BD Bruisers (Miller) - in
10. JeepDriver (Shea) - in

3. FoggyOne (Citizen's Bank) -
6. Terry101 (Comerica) -
9. SGT D (Coors) -
12. RiggoDrill ( ? ) -

2. Cubit (US Celular) -
5. Luckeroll (Yankee) -
8. Coffeeholic (Turner) -
11. Rube ( ? ) -

East is full! Still need stadium picks from [b:289051da75]Rube then Riggo [/b:289051da75]
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Will Enter Team on Thursday Eve...

Postby RiggoDrill » Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:00 pm

I'm headed out of town fellas. I'll be back [b:87de9cf72d]Thursday night[/b:87de9cf72d]. If all of the other teams are in, I should be able to enter in time to draft. See you then... 8)
Posts: 55
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:06 pm

(expletives deleted)
Last edited by mesquiton on Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby SGTD » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:32 pm

So do we in the Central start to fill or wait until we find out if we are moving to the West again? SGT D
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:56 pm

Excellent question! The West can't fill before [b:35fde0109f]luckeroll[/b:35fde0109f] returns on Tuesday, but now the Central can't fill before Thursday at best, so I guess we might as well go back to the original divisions.

The question then becomes, do we want to draft this week with no FA time after waivers, or draft after Friday, so we have a week to play with our teams?

I'm inclined to restore the original divisions as the best of bad choices.

Any other thoughts?
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Postby mesquiton » Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:25 pm

OK guys, let's do this:

1. Central and West are restored to original config as shown below.

2. [b:26c4028265]Cubit, Coffee and Rube[/b:26c4028265] start filling the Central while we wait for [b:26c4028265]luckeroll[/b:26c4028265] to show on Tuesday...also, if anybody can flush [b:26c4028265]Rube[/b:26c4028265] out of the bushes, the Central still needs his stadium pick.

3. Everybody else get your teams ready in case we fill/draft this week, after [b:26c4028265]Riggo[/b:26c4028265] graces us with his return on Thursday. Of course, the West still also needs [b:26c4028265]Riggo's[/b:26c4028265] stadium pick. :roll:

4. Please post your preference for either (a) trying to draft by Friday with little or no post-waiver tinkering time, or (b) drafting after Friday so we have ample time post-waivers to recover from our $100M draft for a May 8 start.

5. Meanwhile, [b:26c4028265]SGT D[/b:26c4028265], since you seem to be paying attention, how 'bout if you have your team ready but don't enter the West until AFTER we've decided whether to draft this week or next (or anybody else in the West, feel free to volunteer to be last man in).

So that leaves the league looking like this:

Name: Tour Event 2, League 5
password: 5thisbest

1. mesquiton (Ameriquest) - in
4. Edgecitytx (PNC) - in
7. BD Bruisers (Miller) - in
10. JeepDriver (Shea) - in

2. Cubit (US Celular) -
5. Luckeroll (Yankee) -
8. Coffeeholic (Turner) -
11. Rube ( ? ) -

3. FoggyOne (Citizen's Bank) -
6. Terry101 (Comerica) -
9. SGT D (Coors) -
12. RiggoDrill ( ? ) -

East is full! Still need stadium picks from [b:26c4028265]Rube then Riggo[/b:26c4028265]
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Cubit » Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:21 pm

Name: Tour Event 2, League 5
password: 5thisbest

1. mesquiton (Ameriquest) - in
4. Edgecitytx (PNC) - in
7. BD Bruisers (Miller) - in
10. JeepDriver (Shea) - in

2. Cubit (US Celular) - in
5. Luckeroll (Yankee) -
8. Coffeeholic (Turner) -
11. Rube ( ? ) -

3. FoggyOne (Citizen's Bank) -
6. Terry101 (Comerica) -
9. SGT D (Coors) -
12. RiggoDrill ( ? ) -
Posts: 55
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League 5

Postby Terry101 » Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:02 am

Things look like they will fall in place if we draft after Friday with a May 8th start. Thats my vote.
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