by MARCPELLETIER » Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:56 pm
I didn't know Strat when I was a kid, but perhaps I won't surpise you if I tell that I had invented a dice/baseball game quite similar to strat. I still have it actually. Quite similar to strat, but I had only two columns: one for the pitcher and one for the hitter. All hitters had the same template. For a regular hitter, 3-5 was a single. Exceptional hitter had single at 3-4,7, with walks at either 5 or 6 (or both, sometimes). Only one (Rod Carew, if I recall, or perhpas George Brett) had 3,5,7.There was no reverse lefty or reverse righty, though: when a rhp faced a left-handed, then 1-3 were readings on the hitter card, and 4-6 on the pitcher's card. When a rhp faced a right-handed, though, only 1-2 were readings on the offensive card, and 3-6 were readings on the pitcher's card. So the teams that were full of switch hitters were highly succesful!!!