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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:52 am

Oh, and by the way, Sexson and Zambrano that YOU ALL SNOBBED :evil: are leading the MVP and the CY YOUNG votes :shock:
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Postby cummings2 » Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:14 am

Well... (Emoticon for "Bruised" would go well here)

I think Bombs took offense to my Joshing around saying I could build a better Juice Box team and he whooped me for a sweep whilst outscoring me by 22 runs. :shock:

...Ok -he said sheepishly- you can build the better Minute Maid team Bombs. :wink:

On the topic of Homefield advantage this is the only thread I remember reading about it -started by our very own Marcus way back when we migrated to these boards:

[url=]Home Field Advantage Thread[/url]

As I've mentioned before I straddle the fence on the whole Home Field stuff. I do feel that a good team is a good team period, no matter where, but the choice of words by Qk in his previous post is very good. It [i:62227abbcb]is[/i:62227abbcb] the [i:62227abbcb]deciding[/i:62227abbcb] factor sometimes between an 85 win team that just misses the playoffs and a 95 win team that gets there with home field advantage.

My main problem with it is that smetimes people overdo it, at least from my POV. How often we hear the "You won't see many lefties in Minute Maid" comments? -The way I see it is if I could start Steve Kline vs. Minute maid teams I would, most of the times they can barely hit lefties anyway. Also I think that BPSIs often get overlooked, I am not saying they are as dramatic or important as BPHRs but they do impact OBP and WHiP which in turn can have a good impact on the way your rotation and Bullpen work. Essentially, what I am saying is that it isn't that BP effects will turn any team into a steamroller but rather that knowing how to use your park to your advantage [i:62227abbcb]is[/i:62227abbcb] most definately an essential part in winning in this game. Whether it is using the advantage of a high SLG park or a Slanted L/R park or a park that supresses OBP... or even that of the Neutral parks and the great edge they give you in being ale to adjust to your divisional foes almost seemlessly. All parks offer a certain quality and require a certain makeup for a team, you can still win ignoring it but it's just harder.

As far as the most important factor: Pure, unabridged luck.

Other than that I'll just second marcus' list. Right on the money IMO.

...And Marcus, I didn't snub either Sexson nor Zambrano...ok fine I did. I wish hadn't though :cry: -I need the Stopper to ease the Pen's load and the $$$ from Lee-Sexson to adress other needs.

O well... As Balzac would say: "there goes another novel"

-Ten bonus points for whomever can ID the movie reference-
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Postby LMBombers » Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:02 am

[quote:f5bd7e16c7="Cummings2"]O well... As Balzac would say: "there goes another novel"

-Ten bonus points for whomever can ID the movie reference-[/quote:f5bd7e16c7]

Was it Meet Joe Black?
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Postby spicki17 » Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:37 am

i second cummings, on it being 1) luck, 2) ballpark. think of shea last year. you could basically put any team of 9 lefties together, no matter what division you were in, no matter who else was in your league, and be guaranteed of 81 wins minimum.

in terms of zambrano and sexson, no one snubbed sexson (who you actually took the same round i wanted him -- you b8stard)...i think sexson is a great deal, especially with there being like 46% lefty pitchers in this league. zambrano was the one i laughed at...he sucks. and yes, your park does help him, and oh yea, LUCK. plus, how do they do the cy young votes again? oh thats right, we have no idea...
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Postby cummings2 » Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:01 pm

[quote:24ebf9925b="LMBombers"][quote:24ebf9925b="Cummings2"]O well... As Balzac would say: "there goes another novel"

-Ten bonus points for whomever can ID the movie reference-[/quote:24ebf9925b]

Was it Meet Joe Black?[/quote:24ebf9925b]

Problem is I didn't see Meet Joe Black.

...Maybe they say the line in MJB as well but the one I was thinking of:

"Annie Hall"
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:03 am

Actually, spicki, Sexson was picked in round 11, the same round when you decided to pick Milton Bradley instead, and trade for Jose-I-can't-hit-over-the-Mendoza-line-Castillo.

With retrospect, I have to say that kaviksdad made a brillant move, there! :P
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:05 am

Actually, it's Jose-I-can't-[u:997206c6ef][i:997206c6ef][b:997206c6ef]slug[/b:997206c6ef][/i:997206c6ef][/u:997206c6ef]-over-the-Mendoza-line-Castillo. :lol:
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Postby stevep107 » Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:30 am

[quote:9323ed4510]Oh, and by the way, Sexson and Zambrano that YOU ALL SNOBBED are leading the MVP and the CY YOUNG votes [/quote:9323ed4510]

Maybe so right now, but I doubt very much whether that will be the case at the end of the season. :)
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I dunno about that. . .

Postby mcsoupy » Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:12 am

I don't know about that prediction that Sexson won't be standing at the end of the year. With as many lefties as there are to play against, I can see him continuing to excel. . .
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Postby cummings2 » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:57 pm

On the continuing to excel, even if against such odds, in my book the king of kings is Carl Crawford for Steve. You guys checked out his splits? -Nice going there Steve.

BTW Steve, I saw my Friend Casey (caseybats) last week and we were going over her team and this league and as soon as she saw you kicking some good ball in the league she jumped up. She was very happy, apparently you were "the nicest guy" -to use her words- after sweeping her in the finals of her first team. Then she showed me her current team and it looks like you two could have a rematch in that league.

That's really cool of you being such a class act with SOMers who are just getting their feet wet, I know that whatever you mentioned really made a good impression. Cool cat/ Class act Steve. Cheers all the way to Perth 8)

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