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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:14 am
by Cubit
jjbird8 has drafted a team in our Live Draft and then has not joined the League as the final team in the West.

Here is the roster he drafted:

Cabrera,M lf-4(-3)e7 3b-3e12
Zambrano,C S(7*)
Crawford,C* lf-1(0)e2 cf-3e2
Garland,J S(7*)
Colon,B S(7*)
Polanco,P 2b-3e5 3b-2e8 lf-4(+3)e16 ss-3e17
Johnson,N* 1b-2e7
Patterson,J S(6*)
Cabrera,O ss-2e8
Lane,J rf-2(-2)e7 cf-3e7 lf-2e7
Griffey Jr.,K* cf-3(-1)e4
Fultz,A* R(2)
Jones,T R(1) C(6)
Crosby,B* cf-3(0)e3 rf-3e3 lf-3e3
Logan,N+ cf-2(+1)e10
Burke,C lf-3(+1)e2 2b-3e14 cf-3e2
Trachsel,S S(6)

Oakland STADIUM(7-4,4-10)

Total value : 75.59

[b:e2547d2e96]REVISION: We will be taking names for a Waiting List to replace jjbird8 if he does not join today. The draft will be set to run next week.--I hope I do not have to take this down![/b:e2547d2e96]

This is an Open Invitation to anyone wishing to Join the Player's Championship with this Event 3 -- If you have not played in 1 or 2, this is your last chance to jump in. This invitation is open to anyone who is willing to spend a credit or a team fee to join us in the last Event 3 league, but if you are already in an Event 3 League, teepack has ruled that you will be a "filler" here, not earning credit officially, but winning the eternal (well, long-term anyway) gratitude of everyone here.

All you need to do is enter the 17 players above as 1-17 on your priority list, then complete your squad by selecting a final 8 you want in the regular draft, select the Oakland park as your stadium (McAfee Coliseum I think it is) and then join the league.

Check the Event 3, League Thread "Let's make it an even dozen" set up by teepack for details and the password.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:17 am
by jjbird8
Please see post on the other thread ... :cry:

In from the Cold? Perhaps in from the Wet?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:30 am
by Cubit
Well, jjbird8, welcome in from the Cold! I feel a little like Harry Lime (not OUR SOMO Harry Lime), but Orson Wells....

As LC I am willing to accept that the floods in the East have been an inconvenience, though I don't see how one could be unable to get a password to work and not have a squad ready to enter at that moment, but let that pass. One last chance, please don't let us down.

Everyone reading this thread, please realize that IF we do need a substitute in this league, we will likely NOT be drafting immediately, but will instead plan for a start after the Holiday weekend simply to accommodate life.

Please consider joining a waiting list I will post over on the other thread for replacement managers instead.

I apologize for any accelerated pulses, or sweaty palms this may have caused, but it seems to have worked. :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:32 pm
by bleacher_creature
So it's official that there will be no draft until Tuesday at the earliest? I am out until the 7th or 8th of July. That's okay, I will work with Kelly to fill my holes, and accept the challenge of winning under the circumstances in this 10% drop league.