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Standings through Round 6 - COMPLETE AS OF 12/8

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:52 pm
by teepack
Here are the top 25 through round 6 with all leagues complete (leagues 8 and 9 finished last night). This update includes dropping the lowest score for managers who played in each of the first six rounds and removing teams who have not played in at least 4 events prior to round 7. Mcsoupy extended his lead, while stevep dropped from 15th to a tie for 21st. A strong showing by albert2b moved him into 25th place:

[b:5abe55c0a4]Place Manager Total[/b:5abe55c0a4]
1 mcsoupy 106.20*
2 Marcus Wilby 104.40
3 Qksilver 104.20
4 cminton 103.60
5 LMBombers 101.00
6 maligned 100.80
7 giddyup81 100.60
8 spicki17 99.80
9 Sknsfan 99.40
10 ArrylT 99.00
11 Sykes 98.80
12 Kangawomby 98.60
13 BthnyBchBum 98.00
14 Cummings2 97.40
15 fowldawg 96.60
16 ksher58 96.40
17 JAMIE399 95.80
18 odieworks 95.60
18 Ryno2390713 95.60
18 rgimbel 95.60
21 Jack377 94.80
21 stevep107 94.80*
23 nhsteven 94.60
24 Uncleny 94.20
25 albert2b 93.60*

The * indicates their score changed from the last update.