Anybody interested in serving on the 2006 Tour Board of Directors, please sign in below and send me your e-mail address in a PT.
We started last year's Tour the first Monday in April, to coincide with baseball's Opening Day. That's probably not a bad idea for this year, too - depending, of course, on the 2006 game being available by then. Here's what I would like to see happen between now and then.
We need to rewrite the rules to try to eliminate as much gray area as possible. I have taken a stab at it. If you sign up to be on the Board of Directors, I'll send you what I have written and you can make your input.
My goal for the Tour, as always (besides winning it, of course), is to try to get as many people as possible to play. I don't want the rules to discourage people from playing, so I believe in keeping them as simple as possible. Here are the recommendations I would make for rules changes for 2006, based on last year's experience and the polls I set up:
[b:9d5803ca85]Change: [/b:9d5803ca85]Drop the bonus round scoring format. It did not achieve what I hoped it would (i.e. encourage more people to play in the bonus rounds to experience the different formats and try to set them up as the toughest events).
[b:9d5803ca85]Change: [/b:9d5803ca85]Change bonus scoring to 10 points for division, 5 points for wild card, 5 points for winning playoff series, 5 points for winning World Series. This puts more emphasis on regular season play.
[b:9d5803ca85]Change: [/b:9d5803ca85]Add the rule that allows you to drop your lowest score, provided you play in at least six events (of respondents to poll, 23-8 voted in favor). I think this would keep people more interested and encourage them to keep playing if they did get a bad score in an early round.
We'll probably need to start a sign-up thread in the next week or two. My goal is to get 100 players this year!