*Paging Event 2/ League 12 owners-Stadium draft begins now*

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

*Paging Event 2/ League 12 owners-Stadium draft begins now*

Postby Ducapa » Thu May 25, 2006 8:35 pm

Go to the thread and pick your stadium.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby cummings2 » Fri May 26, 2006 3:50 pm

Thanks for setting this up Ducapa. I am quite busy at the mo, could I ask you to edit the post title to "Paging...(the next two up to pick parks)" so as to try to wrap this?

Nice goin' Ducapa.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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