by bjs73 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:14 pm
[quote:a7da9d625f]And by the way, BJ, who has been going down like a bus load of clowns lately ???? Is it ... the MIGHTY MIDGETS PERHAPS ????[/quote:a7da9d625f]
This team is raising the stock price on Excederin. I think that they can make a prime time television show with this team:
[b:a7da9d625f]When Good Cards Turn Bad...[/b:a7da9d625f]
In pitching leagues, I usually bank on the fact that every game will be close and that the team has enough offense to score 3-5 runs a game. LOL Not this team. Poor Saberhagen, his record is so pathetic cause the team doesn't know where home plate is.
And on to better subjects, we look like geniuses in the no DH league we're in after 42+ games don't we? :D :D :D