70s and 80s Players Only - Leagues Chat Thread.

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Postby ggrover15 » Fri May 22, 2009 10:17 am

I like you 80's team because I have great pitching. but paul's team in my div looks tough to beat. My 70's will be lucky to win 70 games. This should be a fun league... A couple of right cards could change a team in a hurry.

On the stud pick. I thought we could drop them anytime and get a new one if he is not working out. Leaves people to make moves..

Should be a tough league...
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Postby voovits » Fri May 22, 2009 4:20 pm

Maybe I wasn't specific enough on the stud rules. He may be dropped, and replaced with another stud. The point being that you can have only one on your team at any given time.
If I drop Alan Trammel and replace him with a stud pitcher, I still only have 1 extra stud on my team. That's what I was trying to accomplish.
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Postby jayhawk81 » Fri May 22, 2009 5:12 pm

regarding my teams - I like my 70s team but will have a tough time against Cape Cod who I think has the best team in the league.

As for the 80s, ugh!, I will be playing for the #1 draft rights for the 90s league. Then again if I hit all the right mystery card years, I have hope - like my Pitt Pirates, of gettting to .500.
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Postby voovits » Fri May 22, 2009 5:19 pm

It seems that more people like their 70's team than their 80's team.

I guarantee that at least 1 person who did not like their team going into the start of the season will make the playoffs in each league.
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I drafted soley for the 80's

Postby chasenally » Fri May 22, 2009 10:10 pm

when I picked my keepers. I had no idea that the SS postion was so crappy in both leagues after keepers. I have know idea what I am doing and it probaly shows. My first mystery card league and my take is what card you get and the best laid plans of mice and men. I feel as though I have an advantge because you don't know what you drafted and I don't know what I am doing. Mike PS I have no idea and that always helps me when I pick a team. :lol:
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Re: I drafted soley for the 80's

Postby pwootten » Fri May 22, 2009 11:28 pm

[quote:e713e9bb10="chasenally"]when I picked my keepers. I had no idea that the SS postion was so crappy in both leagues after keepers. I have know idea what I am doing and it probaly shows. My first mystery card league and my take is what card you get and the best laid plans of mice and men. I feel as though I have an advantge because you don't know what you drafted and I don't know what I am doing. Mike PS I have no idea and that always helps me when I pick a team. :lol:[/quote:e713e9bb10]

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come over here to the 70's, plead ignorance, then win the crown. We've seen it before!

Good luck everybody. Ain't mystery card grand!
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Postby Jimmy_C » Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:22 am

The Horror...The Horror...

I've had more crummy reads on players that are keepers than I would have thought possible. You'd almost think it could be possible that 1/2 the guys would have good cards, and 1/2 would have bad cards. Not with HAL at the controls!!

Despite this bad luck, my 70's team is 25-14 (YIKES), and my 80's team is a more realistic but still impressive (for the cards I have) 18-21.

The really tough one to swallow was '91 Brett... :(
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Postby voovits » Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:27 am

I have never seen an offense as pitiful as my Crackheads in the 70's.
My biggest name offensive keepers are doing so well.
I got Carews worst year, currently hitting .302 (because he's not even in the lineup vrs lefties)
Madlock is torching the ball at a .191 clip and Lezcano is tearing the cover off the ball at a whopping .225.
The best part is that I can't get rid of any of them!
You know when you're in trouble when:
1. Tim Foli leads the team in batting average
2. Your best pitcher (Tanana) has a 2.62ERA and 0.96WHIP but a 4-5 record.

Along the lines of Tanana's stats, my best pitcher in the 80's (Sutton) has a 2.50 ERA and 1.04 WHIP but has a record of 2-6

too late to rethink the strategy when I cant drop any of my poor players.
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Postby voovits » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:01 am

Congrats to jayhawk81 for winning the 70s league with a thrilling game 7 victory, and congrats to ggrover15 for winning the 80s league.

I said I would crown a theme champion, and I officially crown myself as the overall champion for 2 last place finishes, and being the most consistent, only a difference of 1 win with my 2 pathetic excuses for teams (69 and 70 wins)

I hope everyone enjoyed the theme. Any suggestions on how future versions of the theme could be improved?
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