Update: Back to the '90s, ATG

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Players to add in ATG VI

Postby supertyphoon » Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:20 pm

1B Joe Cunningham, 1957-62 except 1960.

Hall of Fame SS Hughie Jennings, 1894-98. He isn't used as a 1B.
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Postby JedimasterTjg1 » Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:04 pm

I would love to see the 1958 Colavito card---.303 41Hr 113 Rbi and .620 Slugging!
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Postby MATTSCHMIDT » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:35 pm

I would like to see all cards from the 1969 game included along with '86 and '99. That McCovey card is incredible.
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Postby The Last Druid » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:40 pm

Some first impressions.

ATG V has had a very short shelf live. Each iteration seems to be around for a shorter and shorter time. I'm not sure how I feel about that, just an observation.

I wouldn't retire anyone, just keep adding more players. As always more players = more fun. For those that feel swamped by so many cards, there are always subsets and theme leagues. If we get enough players, maybe adding subsets by decade might be an idea.

Mixed feelings about the current players getting into the game. Not even sure that I want them. I would prefer that they be very limited, perhaps to guys that are good bets for the Hall of Fame. I definitely don't want guys in the first five years of their career but guys like Pujols, A-Rod, Jeter would be most welcome, at least by me. Guys like Beltran, Rolen, Chipper Jones would also be fun to have. Guys like Howard and Cano though, are borderline. Just enough time in the Show yet. I'd love to see Pedro's and Griffey's best years and I think adding Bonds's 73 hr. season should be done also. At the least it would relegate Kiner to the second best dh.

We still don't have an Irish Meusel. I also think the Bird would be a fun card. to have. I think expansion franchises like the Mets and Astros need help for team theme leagues. For example Matlack and Gooden's best Met years, the Straw too. And a good Biggio card to go with a better Bagwell card and Berkman also wouldn't hurt.

I think that the biggest improvement to the game would be adding salary caps to the live draft. Other than that, just a few minor tweaks, like more control over day to day lineups. Bullpen v2 was a huge improvement and a significant accomplishment for Bernie and the community. I think that manager winning pcts. should also broken into subsets by caps for each manager. I also think that player salaries should be adjusted to make small ball more viable that's a big one I think.

After ATG VI comes out, I think that it should have a planned shelf live of at least 18 months.
The Last Druid
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Postby The Last Druid » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:08 pm

Perhaps most important would be periodic stimulus packages offered by TSN. In addition to the occasional 5 pack for $80 specials, offer incentives like that, for example, to teams that win 100 games, most active members for a specified period of time etc. Incentives with a view toward getting people to play more.
The Last Druid
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Postby Palanion » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:59 pm

Strange... I am actually disappointed to hear of an ATG 6 already. Honestly. I am still enjoying the current set, and there are so many ways to explore it. I am in the middle of a 1919 to 1929 theme draft. And this could be done for the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. And I was thinking that I would, but by 2011 ATG6 will be out and no one will be playing ATG5 anymore. Too bad.

I think the "wish list" is [b:b27db2fae5]SO [/b:b27db2fae5]much more important than another set with more players. Certainly I would like to see certain players added... some day. I agree with Petro that the shelf life of the ATG games is decreasing.

Here's the ATG timeline since I've been here:
ATG 2 launched in early fall (October?) 2004.
ATG 3 launched in August 2006. (about 22 months later)
ATG 3v2 launched about late March 2008.
ATG 4 launched in August 2008. (about 24 months later)
ATG 5 launched in December 2009. (about 16 moths later)
ATG 6 launching fall/winter 2010 (about 12 months later)
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Postby BC Manager » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:21 pm

Enough with all this ATG talk. How 'bout some love to Bernie for making the BTT90s a reality. I'm hoping this will create some more Mystery Game addicts. Non-mystery games are a bore in comparison.
BC Manager
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Postby AeroDave10 » Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:22 pm

[quote:757aabc04e="Petrosian"]I also think that player salaries should be adjusted to make small ball more viable that's a big one I think.[/quote:757aabc04e]

I totally agree with Petrosian on just about everything he said, but this is definitely the one thing that really needs to be looked at by the TSN folks. I really find it difficult to pick a small ball park and fill it with singles hitters that are priced the same as HR hitters that seem to get way more production.

Go to the Diamond Dope actuals, filter by any salary cap, and then sort the players by RC700 (runs created per 700 plate appearances). You'll see only a handful of hitters who average less than 20 HRs in the top 100 (I counted 12). Since you can't change the cards or the stadiums, you have to change the pricing to make those cards more competitive.
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Postby Ragnarokpc » Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:25 am

I'm pretty stoked that the 90's game is coming out. I can never win in ATG, but the mystery games I at least have a chance. I'll probably wait a few days before joining a league to avoid being screwed come waiver time. Thank you for your hard work Bernie! As for the 80's being ported up, looking forward to that but I'll enjoy it as it is for a while longer.
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Postby voovits » Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:37 am

It's Thursday! How come the 90s game hasn't been released yet???
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