by echo22 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:00 pm
There is no tomorrow. There is also no chance of winning with the team you have. With 57 games to go it's time to throw all caution to the wind. Dump Lynn, Raines, Forsh, Beattie, Whitson and Thigpen. Try any of these guys and pray for the big years: Hitters: Grubb (86), Gladden (84), Calderon (87) Cowens (77), and maybe C. Davis (84) Armas (84), or Chris James (87). Pitchers: S.Davis (83 or 84), B. Walk (88), D. Rasmussen (86), B. Knepper (84), J. Johnson (80), or anybody else I haven't thought of.
Anything is better than this slow painful death, which for some reason I feel compelled to watch. At least you'll have gone down swinging!!
Vaya Con Dios my friend. To Hollywood and Glory!!![/quote:c15f2fbb32]
In defense of PillPop ALL of those guys are on teams or have been tried out. It's been the most aggressive league I've ever played in. Probably close to 95% of the player pool has been used. Guys who often NEVER get picked up were being scooped up the first week. Literally we are down to the Bannisters, Moses, Plunks of the world. Even Scott "Freaking" Bailes is kicking butt in this league! Other than hailedog, who seemed to get everyone's best card, we are at HAL's mercy.