[quote:969462d42f="kenhutchings"]I don't know if this falls into the category of "Life isn't fair, get used to it", and it doesn't impact me, but I got to thinking that those managers who ended up with either the 61/62 expansion franchises or 69 expansion franchises are going to have a smaller pool of players to choose in ATG VI than those of us who selected the longer established franchises (such as I did). Since the expansion franchise managers would not have the same availability to players in the 50s, I was wondering if they should be allowed some bonus picks of perhaps two or three 50s players for compensation (with the realization that these players would not be part of their two franchises).
:?: :?[/quote:969462d42f]
Hi Ken, if that was brought up before the draft I would have completely supported it, but managers made selections based on the rules that were set prior, so I won't change them now. Definitely would have been a good idea pre-draft, my bad on that.