by Hakmusic » Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:04 pm
Just a couple reminders:
This is a DH league! I've put together two teams so far and in both cases forgot all about the DH. Pete Fox is currently my DH.
New players only. New versions of old players, i.e. Mantle, Collins, Fox, are all included.
Players not carded on a team are not on that team, i.e. Dewey Evans is not on the '78 Red Sox because he stayed on the '86 team.
Take your time, especially in the team draft and first couple rounds of the individual draft, then we will try to have the last couple of round move quicker.
You may trade anyone, but you can only FA pickup players from the undrafted teams. If I trade the rights to a player on my drafted team, the other manager keeps those rights, even if the player is in the FA pool.
Clarification: all your individual drafted players must be on your roster to be your property. i.e. you must autodraft them and they must stay on your roster, if you release one, he is free game like any other player on an undrafted team. The players on your drafted team, however, are yours and do not need to be on your AD or on your roster.
we will play 5, 10, 20 drop penalty (it is an advanced option), weighted waivers.
Finally, when decidiing on your team to pick, remember it is an $80 million league, fitting players in is tough.
any other thoughts, rules, or ideas?