TSN 29963 SportsCenter blog

Our Mystery Card games - The '70s Game, Back to the '80s, Back to the '90s

Trying to keep up

Postby roofinghorse » Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:21 pm

I read along almost daily. Very entertaining Semper. :lol:
I really love your commentary......
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Home Park Advantage

Postby Semper Gumby » Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:51 am

Today's confused thoughts will be on home park advantage.

After dropping two games last night against a team in the same park ([b:e95cf7715d]15-12 before the series[/b:e95cf7715d]) as my own ([b:e95cf7715d]17-7 @ home[/b:e95cf7715d]), I started to wonder about the "home park advantage" and whether HAL / TSN activated that function and to what effect.

[quote:e95cf7715d]Breaks balance out. The sun don't shine on the same ol' dog's rear end every day.
Darrell Royal [/quote:e95cf7715d]

Several years ago (2004?), I chased the TSN guys down when I recognized that several players would have career season paces only to fade at the end.

Having access to the CD-Rom version of the game, you could see how HAL monitored the player's trajectories and could adjust the outcomes.

TSN admitted that the coding detered some aspects of the player's performance but never diviluged all the settings at play (perhaps since Bernie has maybe).

Now I'm wondering again about the home park advantage and whether there is more to it than just selecting a team for the park.

Otherwise, I need to rethink this one when I return back to play that team again.

[quote:e95cf7715d]He'll take hisn and beat yourn, then take yourn and beat hisn[/quote:e95cf7715d]
Semper Gumby
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Waddya Got?

Postby Semper Gumby » Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:27 pm

Tough season so far for pinpointing what card seasons HAL dealt me. Even when I can tell, HAL's done me with the awful season.

Just like my wife's favorite shows when they go back and see where the actors are now, let me see what we have at the 1/3 way done mark

Stieb (1983 or 1984 - but he fools you with being his worse card too)
Drabek (1989?)
Andujar (1982 or 1984)
Hoyt (dropped for Burns on opening day - Burns is probably 1981 or 1985)

[b:9979d87860]Relief [/b:9979d87860]
Smith, L (dropped to pick-up Willie Wilson - suspected middle years)
Bedrock (thought I had 1986 but starting to play like 1985)
Guante (1983)
Leach (worse season and he has been picked and dropped)
Kipper (1987)
Fraser (dropped for Lucas - 1981)
Williamson M (1989)

C: Carter (1985)
1B: Mattingly (1985 or 1987)
2B: Doran (1987)
SS: Larkin (1990)
3B: Pendleton (1992)
LF: Oglivie (dropped but we had the worse card - Willie Wilson - 1978?)
CF: Mosbey
RF: Clark J (1989?)
DH: Bonilla (1992)
Rose (1978 or 1979)
Sheridan, P
Semper Gumby
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Matt Keough

Postby Semper Gumby » Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:26 pm

The Jarheads are facing Matt Keough tonight.

While Matt didn't have the long-term success on the ball field, he surely gets his name tossed around my house as Matt's former wife is a star of the dumb-arse Housewives of Orange County.

Unfortunately, my wife follows the show with the hope of some divine inspiration from the character's insights.

Perhaps I will ask my wife to make the line-up card for this series so you can finally merge my fantasy world with hers. :D

In other team news, the Jarheads have a hit a significant power-outage this past few games. Despite last night's foe yielding a decent amount of crowd pleasing shots, he didn't give one away while we had a hitting clinic by [b:2496635fed]Jerry Mumphrey [/b:2496635fed]- who hit two of his three shots against me. Of course, Jerry jacked one homerun over the other 32 games. :x
Semper Gumby
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Change is a Good Thing

Postby Semper Gumby » Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:49 pm

Reviewing the team's stats, I realized the guys are leading the league in stranded runners. So, time to push the order to get away from station-to-station ball -


Doran (1985)
Mattingly (1985 or 87)
Clark (1988 or 89)
Bonilla (1992)
Carter (1982 or 85)
Moseby (1987?)
Larkin (1989 or 90)
Pendleton (1992)
Willie Wilson (1978?)[/list:u:b18854cb9d]
Semper Gumby
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Public Blah

Postby Semper Gumby » Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:17 pm

Now I remember why I played roughly 75% of my season in private leagues, you always had a chorus /participants for the banter. :?

Perhaps today's politically correct world eschews the "swing batter swing" chatter from the days when I played but in the public leagues you find maybe one or two owners who seem alive.

During my American Legion baseball days, I always talked to every single batter / umpire (I caught) and by the end of the game - I had some really damn fun conversations.

At the 3/8 point in the season, my team (the Jarheads) is in slight funk after a strong start. With less than few adjustments to the roster (dropped Lee Smith the get Willie Wilson /Pete Rose), the team's weekly stats are in the Top 3 in hitting / pitching but card chances are less smiling.

Despite a neutral ball park, the Jarheads were in the top 3 in home runs until the middle of last week. Somewhere the cork came out of the bats after the team smashed 5 or more home runs per series.

Looking forward to getting the dice back on my cards so I see whether my faith in keeping underperforming cards paid off.
Semper Gumby
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Postby rufustsinclairjr » Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:36 pm

you know i love your posts i hope ?!! plus i envy your knowledge and skill ! you have out scored opponents by almost 100 already !!!
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Drabek, Andujar, and pray for rain

Postby Semper Gumby » Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:03 pm

The fundamentals were there but I had to cut bait on Britt Burns today

I hated making the call but he had 4-9 record and an ERA / WHIP comparable to a bad Caldwell card.

Burns struggled to get RHBs out and yielded too many long balls. Of course, I thought HAL gave me Burns' best card. He sported a Top 10 BB/K ratio but couldn't buy himself a win to save his life.

I have a few other cards with known seasons and they're slumping too (e.g., Gary Carter, Jack Clark). However, I know it is a matter of a few rolls and they're back.

Unfortunately, Burns probably went three series too many while I pressed for the rolls considering I have a decent defense covering behind him (i.e., top 3 in DPs).

So, I'm giving Hoyt a try knowing few like him. However, I don't see much left on the free agent list worth tossing to the wolves.

Otherwise, my team is like Drabek, Andujar and pray for rain
Semper Gumby
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Tough market

Postby Semper Gumby » Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:27 pm

Today's market saw the following stars hit the streets

[list:912eceb898]dropped Gibson, Kirk
dropped Hershiser, Orel
dropped Lemon, Chet
dropped Trammell, Alan [/list:u:912eceb898]

Of all the drops, [b:912eceb898]Alan Trammell [/b:912eceb898]has to be the bitter pill. He has four play years and the one turd. In as many leagues I've played, I've probably witnessed his card underperforming the most at the short stop position.

Considering his glove and price tag, taking Alan leaves a large dent in the budget and dropping usually comes near the end of the cheap penalty season where you're looking at 3es or 2e33s replacements.

After reviewing some of the born-again cards (I see you [b:912eceb898]Tim Raines[/b:912eceb898]), I'm wondering how many used free agents with less than stellar starts are diamonds in the rough?

Otherwise, I'm glad to see that Leach has a third believer and his card is proving to be the same as it did on the other two teams.

I'd be wrong if I didn't notice that [b:912eceb898]Lee Smith[/b:912eceb898] is putting out fires these days after he started a few for me. I still think his gas can card is playing here but I'm happy to admit I cut Lee for all the right reasons.

Semper Gumby
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Record Pace - Check for Cork

Postby Semper Gumby » Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:23 am

If you hadn't noticed the corked bats used by the [b:6b9790f090]Dallas Bruisers [/b:6b9790f090]by now, then you're going to appreciate the 80s team record for home runs is 413 which Dallas (at his current rate) could shatter along with team slugging.

With 70 plus games in the books, Dallas has 198 home runs so far and could have had more

Semper Gumby
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