If I understand the rules correctly (bottom 4 teams of the league are eliminated), there are only two teams vying for the last spot to move on to the next round--albert (15) and ballywackman (30). (IMB, Scot, and seanreflex are mathmatically out of it.) (I think I'm right about who's eliminated, but please double check.)
Why don't we just take the average of albert's and bally's rankings to determine what division/league the winner of the two will be in, then assign Panzer to the opposite league, and [i:c2245b7536][b:c2245b7536]get to loading[/b:c2245b7536][/i:c2245b7536]. The league with the winner of albert and bally will have to wait for that outcome, but the league with Panzer can load up ASAP. The seedings might not track the manager rankings exactly, but we all know they are BS anyhow, and a Panzer-less 80s tournament just doesn't seem right, given his record.
And let's not stress out about weighted or nonweighted waivers. If everyone in the bracket knows beforehand, and can make their draft list accordingly, everyone is playing on the same level playing field.
Will that work Panzer? [i:c2245b7536][b:c2245b7536](It's obviously up to the commish, though.)[/b:c2245b7536][/i:c2245b7536]