by MARKKUMMERER » Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:50 pm
I am diggin' this format and enjoying ALL of the managers (except HAL). You all have read me write that I'd hope we would have interest in continuing into the '80s, if we survive the '70's. (Look, most of us survived them once! :shock: I am definitely in, definitely committed.
I do share the frustration with the draft and I've tried to be more diligent and responsive in staying on top of it since the first couple. If I'm part of the problem, please let me know, however, as part of the solution... :idea: Though not ideal maybe a suggestion for a different draft format will be helpful. Commish Fred puts out a list at midseason of the rookies and retirees, same as it ever was. Everyone has 1-2 wks to submit to Fred or his appointed designee your rookie draft list. Commish runs the first round and puts it on the message board, give a couple of days if anyone wants to trade a pick, run the second round, skip rounds, and we are all done by season-end to reload. Unfortunately it does take some flexibility out of the draft. I enjoyed trying to make some moves involving draft picks, that is why I do think it is worth trying to have during the second half of the season and withing the trading and waiver deadlines.
Would really hate to see this die, after all, it Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite (I just had to work that in somewhere for your benefit, Fred)