Just a note to say that after I posted my team, I realized I'd gotten a PM from Panzer Ace. His message reads:
"I am not available for a Monday waivers. If the league doesnt fill tonight we need to hold off until Sunday. Jablowmi asked me to message you and ask that you not jump into the league tonight unless you are the last team.
So I guess I was the designated "last guy in"--but since I went in while he was sending the message, I was already in when I received it. I suggested he PM Sean and penngray--of course, they might have missed the message like I did. Anyway both of those slots are still open (at 10:30 Eastern), so the league is not likely to fill tonight anyway. Still, assuming the league is not filled by the time I go to bed, I will pull my team out then, and not put it back in until Sunday. That will assure that we won't have a Monday waivers, since the league will either fill tonight, or not until Sunday.
We definitely don't want to have the guy we're all trying to challenge miss waivers. Hope this makes sense to everyone. :D
{Edit at 11:45 Friday PM}:OK--As promised above, I've pulled my team out of the West, and won't put it back in until Sunday, so the league can begin as planned with a non-Monday waiver. If penn and Sean get their teams together and want to go ahead with putting them into the league, that will be fine. I'll rejoin on Sunday and the league can go from there. I hope that's OK with all.