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34 Runs, 8 Extra Base Hits and 27 Singles

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:44 am
by jsam9801
OK, I have managed over 8000 :shock: BTT80s games, and never have seen a game quite like this. For once, I am on the producing end too :D .

My underproducing team (71-64, despite a pythagorean calculator stating that I should have 5 more wins) is in the midst of a whopping 4 game winning streak. Happy there. In the first game last night, my team scored 34 runs, despite only hitting 3 2bs, 1 3b and 4 dingers.

Hal must have liked the adult magazines that I sent his way, because my typical slow afoot team does not usually score this way. :wink:
Here is the link:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:22 am
by seanreflex
nice game! It's not often you see Tom Paciorek at the top of the MVP voting in a league!! :lol:

what is your Pythagorean calculator formula?

You use a couple guys in Fenway that I've never had there that seem to be doing well for you .. primarily Winfield -- wow!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:33 pm
by jsam9801

Tom Paciorek for President! He can hit real well at the fens.

Used the calculator on Says that I should be 76-59.

Winfield (except for the dog year and .340 BA year), Clark (Will and Jack) and Gorman Thomas all do very well for me at Femway.

I am a putz (JJ?). I only play in Fenway, Olympic (if I have to) and Wrigley (If I really have to).


PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:08 pm
by latertaters
I was the opposition??? last night to this horible butt kicking!!!!!
You guys are talking about all the hitting, but what about the pride of
mt pitching staff?? We should of at least hit seven or eight batters...
I've offered Henke out for a takers...I'm shocked...
he gave up 11 runs 13 hits in his two stellar innings of work....
all that effort for only 5 plus Mill.............
Nice job John.....