Defensive replacements
Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:06 pm
by larfor
How does the defensive replacements option under Manager Strategy work during a game?
Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:26 pm
by chess2899
If you put in a player that is better defensively, they usually go into the game in the 8th or 9th inning. I am not sure if HAL puts them in if you are losing or in a tie game. I would hate to take a sluuger out for defensive reasons and have the game go into extra innings with a hitting dud in his place.
Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:34 pm
by voovits
The individual setting on the player cards says "remove for defensive sub with lead". I'm pretty sure that statement applies in the team settings as well. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it has happened, I don't ever recall seeing a defensive replacement come in late in the game if I was not in the lead.
Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:37 am
by Ragnarokpc
It always seems a little sketchy to me. It seems to work bestif you put someone in as defensive replacement and also mark the weak fielder you want to replace as "Remove for defensive sub with lead". It seems like it only makes the switch when you have a close lead. If you are behind, or blowing the other team out, it won't swap the guy in.
You are supposed to be able to make double switches with this in the CDRom game. How that works is you put the new fielder you want coming in first, then the plaer you want to move second. For example, if you had a 4 in LF and a 2in CF, with a guy who could play CF with a 1 on your bench, you'd put the bench guy first in CF, then the 2 guy moving to LF. It should remove the poor fielder, though I'd still mark to remove him with a lead. Not that this only work in slots 1&2, and 3&4 . . . no other combo works. Give it a shot, seems to work okay for me.