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PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:02 pm
Continually proving to all here that I can pull of the most improbable of feats please check out the box score from the game last night...

How many crazy things are represented in this game...
1. 23-0 score
2. I had only 1 hit in the game and it was a double with 2 outs in the 9th to ruin the no-no
3. HAL leaves in Hamilton to allow 14 of 16 batters safely reach base
4. HAL's choice to bail out Hamilton (Johnson) promptly gives up not 1 but 2, 2-run HRs in his 1/3 of an IP
5. Hamilton's line...1IP with 12H and 12ER
6. Johnson (Hammy's knight in shining armor)...1IP with 6ER
7. S Stone throws 129 pitches in just 6 2/3 IP
8. A bullpen ERA for the game of 69.53
9. It only took 19H and 18ER to finnaly make HAL say I'll put in Dal Canton to get 1 out

OK that!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:17 pm
by voovits
and it was only 3-0 after 6 innings...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:06 pm
by PillPop
Hamilton must have been pitching well for you to come out of that 12-run one-inning strafing with "only" a 6.02 ERA.