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Fred Lynn

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:59 am
by AdamKatz

Getting a little frustrated with Lynn. Theoretically, and practically based on YountFan's stats, he does not have a bad year against righties. Nevertheless, he has an OPS of .627 for me after 74 ABs (including 1 AB and BB against a lefty). For 7.16 million, that doesnt seem too good.
I have Leonard on my team who is doing very well, but the reality is that against righties I cant expect him to have an OPS much over .800 in his best year. My pitching is very lacking and the rest of my offense against righties is very good.

So, would you drop Lynn and fish for a good SP?


PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:25 am
by YountFan
While technically a player like Lynn has no bad year, there are times when the rolls go against him. There are factors such a ballparks and opposition pitching also to consider. If Leonard can get the job done, and you need improvements elsewhere then make the move. [b:243a21f45d]However, that being said 74 ab ain't nothing[/b:243a21f45d]