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No-DH leagues and "dormant" private leagues

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:28 pm
by Ragnarokpc
Hey, I tried making a No-DH team and set up a no-PW league. I had one person join after a week or two, but left after no one else joined. I'm in no big hurry to fill this league up, because I started an ATG team, but I have to wonder about a couple of passworded leagues that have been sitting with just one or two teams in them. What happens with these, and how long are they allowed to sit like that? We would have 4-5 teams already if we combined all these No-DH leagues together, but obviously these guys wanted a pw for a reason. I remember once, there was a league called "Bo Diaz Memorial League" that seemed to be around forever. So just wondering, thanks.

Re: No-DH leagues and

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:43 pm
by voovits
Private leagues will stay indefinitely, unless it magically fills. I would bet most of those people in those private leagues have forgotten they even exist.

[quote:c8dcd2f20a="Ragnarok69"]I remember once, there was a league called "Bo Diaz Memorial League" that seemed to be around forever.[/quote:c8dcd2f20a]

You mean this league?

My first ever strat league.

PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 10:19 pm
by Ragnarokpc
Nicely done. Yeah, always wanted to try a no-DH league, funny how it seems as though they are avoided like the plague. Maybe when my ATG league ends, I'll be campaigning to fill it up.