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HBP + Injury

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:07 am
by mille1212
I had a player HBP.

Looking at his stats all of his years have HBP, but some years have HBP+Injury only, not the regular HBP.

If he didn't get injured on the HBP does this mean anything? I am thinking it doesn't, as I am assuming there is some other roll to determine if he is injured or not on the play. Is that correct?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:54 pm
by YountFan
You can only be injured on a +injury roll. A HBP without the +injury is just a HBP

maybe something

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:50 pm
by chrisfu
My understanding is that if a player is injured on a HBP as you wrote, and he was not injured, there is a good chance that what came up is just a "HBP" but it is slightly possible that "HBP + injury" came up and he was not injured, but the percentages for a player not getting injured when this happens is fairly low.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:15 pm
by Great Unwashed
I believe the chance is 3 in 20 that the HBP+inj would come up and he not be injured.