by chrisfu » Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:21 pm
Are mystery leagues really down???
I've been playing 1 team at a time for 5 years now. I play a season of either 70's 80's or 90s mystery and when a season finishes, I join a new league. I've never had to wait more than a week for a league to fill. When a season ends, there is usually a league about ready to fill up.
My season ended Friday, time to join a 90's league, which have usually been the fastest for me to see fill, and .... nothing. Pretty much no leagues to enter, I start a new one and absolutely no action. I guess my 5 year run of playing SOM mystery on line is taking a break, no players. What happened, where is everybody, or have I just been incredibly lucky to keep finding leagues ready to fill over the last 5 years?