Re: 1986 Free Teams

Our historical single season sets

Re: 1986 Free Teams

Postby DizandMiles » Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:36 am

I know that the first 5 count - but I have a proposal:
If you have more than 5 free teams you may "validate them" by playing a team in the paid 1986 season. For example - you had 9 teams in 1986 - and your 7th team won the championship. As of now, that championship does not count in your ratings -
If you played two teams - your 6th and 7th free teams would be added to your manager ratings - as well as those from your two paid teams - if you played paid teams - each time a paid team plays, you gain another - based on when those teams played.
You would not be allowed to cherry pick (I want the 6 teams that made the playoffs ) your teams' records would be added in order of appearance.

From a player standpoint - it is an opportunity to make the teams beyond 5 count for something.
From SOM standpoint - it may market a few more 1986 teams as folks want their "beyond 5" to count.

Is there any strong feelings on this issue or thoughts??? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Postby Palanion » Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:36 am

An absolutely brilliant idea!!!!

This may also curb the "tanking" I have seen in some leagues - maybe those who are tanking are doing so since the team does not count...

I have three teams pas tthe 5 team mark that suck, but I have one that is doing awesome, I would strongly consider buying 1986 teams just to get that one team to count.
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Postby rip2roark » Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:20 pm

It is a nice idea BN but in one week of paying for the game at 24.95 there is one team in 2 leagues for a grand total of 2 playing customers . This is bad and I don't see it getting better anytime soon except after the 1st free leagues start to end . I still think the freebee offer was bringing in new blood and should 've gone on for a while longer and when it became a pay to play it should have been 12.50 . '86 on it's own is not a strong enough game to warrant ATG prices imo . :wink:
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:04 am

I too have been pushing for your idea! I think it is sound. But most importantly I really would like all my 1986 teams to count! Also as some of my free teams end, I will pay to play 1986 at least a couple of times. I like that era! It reminds me of playing SOM in high school, after several many bong hits.(Did I just say that out loud?)
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Postby Phenomenal » Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:22 am

I'm thinking from a marketing standpoint it is a good idea for them to charge $24.95. If it was my site I would do the same. You have to remember this is a service they provide to us and they are trying to make a profit.

The idea of charging more for the free season makes sense because they have hooked a lot of new players like my self into the fun of a game I fondly remember from my childhood. It is different the fantasy baseball and I love each style for the unique fun each offers.

After a free season I have fallen in love and gotten to know the strengths and weaknesses of a lot of players from 1986. What would I do different next season? How would my draft change? I am more likely to pay 24.95 to play another season with players I know, running strategy I didn't before than paying 12.95 for another season or even 24.95 for a new season.

I guess my point is, they know they will have a lot of people wanting to play 1986 again when the free seasons end. supply and demand will dictate $24.95 is a valid market price.

Maybe it is because I am in sales, or just falling in love with Strat-O-Matic again but I try to remember the website is also a company, not just here to supply us a gaming platform as a non profit volunteer. I will definately purchase a couple 1986 teams when the free season ends. heck I will probably do it after I learn and refamiliarize myself with the game again, hopefully before the end of the free season! :)
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Postby keyzick » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:17 am

Hey StoneWalled - glad to see someone ELSE getting hooked on this game! I've been pretty active for last 5 years, and it never gets old. Try the 07 set to if you can, fun to play with currently active guys too.

I know some have mentioned '86 being a weak guess is that is more a reference to the fact the really big bombers of today's game weren't really around. More guys at 30 HR without the big averages, so less offensive explosions.

A year is a year to me, some have more hitting, some more pitching, some better righties, some better lefties, etc... That's what makes it a great strategy-central game. :)
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Postby DizandMiles » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:00 am

I would pay for at least two more to "liberate teams 6 an 7"
By the way which teams count? My first 1986 team made the playoffs - but there is no record of it on my manager rating.
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Postby Free Radicals » Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:15 am

They should all count but's TSN ! :wink:
Free Radicals
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Over 5...

Postby wilee23 » Fri May 02, 2008 5:01 pm

shouldn't count unless you pay some type of premium. The reason they had to pull the FREE game so quick was because of A$$HOLES trying to kill the servers with free games. Thanks for making TSN pull the plug so quickly!
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri May 02, 2008 11:20 pm

If you read at the top many of us are willing to pay for more teams in order for more of our free teams to count. I would think this would be win win for TSN and us players. It would encourage us to buy more teams and we would finally receive credit for teams we worked hard for! Just my 3 and a half cents!
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