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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:33 am
by apolivka
Haven't checked this team in a while. You're +12 in runs, but still under .500 which is unfortunate. Your starters are doing well other than Benson who is your strongest starter and really should come around.

I would see if I could tweak my reliever's roles so that Lowe gets in more. He really should have just as many, if not more, innings than Chouinard. Make sure you do not have closer to "maximize", and the Lowe is listed above anyone else in pretty much every meaningful role.

It's gonna be tough though because Simon, Boone, Glanville, and Ordonez are really not "Wrigley guys". As I suspected, however, Glanville can pretty much hit anywhere. Giambi probably should be producing a few more runs too, so that's likely to improve a bit too.