by GFDWARF07 » Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:09 pm
Sorry guys, just tried again and saw I was up - had tried several times when the system was down to no avail. The clock says I took six hours to pick, but it had not been more than a couple hours since I checked. Anyway, we are off and running again.
And I wuz robbed on the Tovar pick, I was very confident he'd be there and was my only proxy when he went right before my pick. Even though he underachieved for me in the last league, he is a great and versatile pick. I was just watching a DVD of the Twins- Red Sox game at the end of the 1967 season (2nd to last of the season). One of the oldest (if not the oldest) full game broadcast in color from that era. Anyway Tovar is such a tiny guy, but fun to watch. And Killebrew was a HORSE! The following year (1968), Tovar played all nine positions as part of a promotion at Met stadium and struck out Reggie in the first inning! Look up the box score, it's kind of a kick.