Re: 1986 Free Teams

Our historical single season sets

Postby dennisfs561 » Tue May 13, 2008 7:14 pm

The complaint is that when we drafted these teams, we were told they would count towards the manager ratings.

The complaint is that it takes a lot of effort to put together a team and manage it well. The enjoyment of playing the game derives in great part from having one's efforts rewarded by the recognition of one's success, how he matches up against others and the bragging rights thereof.

I appreciate that it was free, but I would never have drafted teams if I knew they would not count. Bernie should have capped it at 5 to begin with.

My bit_hing about 86 aside, I think Bernie is a stand up guy, and despite it's hiccups, TSN runs a good operation. I am a Strat addict, and will continue to buy teams, but I will always disagree with the midstream change Bernie made.
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Postby Phenomenal » Tue May 13, 2008 8:59 pm

The complaint is that it takes a lot of effort to put together a team and manage it well. The enjoyment of playing the game derives in great part from having one's efforts rewarded by the recognition of one's success, how he matches up against others and the bragging rights thereof.

This is a point well taken Dennis, but you cant complain about free teams. Apparently a lot of people decided to start padding stats at their expense by having a boat load of free teams. I'd put a cap on it to if I was him.

Free is Free, just have fun playing it and not worry about a championship for a free league when probably half the players stopped managing their teams anyways once they fell behind in the standings.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed May 14, 2008 9:14 am

Stoned Walled, Don't get me wrong, I like to get stoned too. However you are making no sense what so ever! Maybe you should refrain before you post! Something for FREE,you say?????? Something for free? Are you serious? My time IS FAR FROM FREE!!!!! NOT ONLY THAT, I HAVE SPENT SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS WITH THIS COMPANY OVER THE LAST FEW MONTHS! HOW IS THAT FREE! WHAT IS FREE IS MY ADVICE! THINK BEFORE YOU POST!
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Postby keyzick » Wed May 14, 2008 11:49 am

I don't think people are complaining about getting something for free and then wanting more. I think it's a complaint about being delivered one message about what's being offered for free, then finding out you're getting something less than, or different from, what was promised.

Unless I overlooked it, I haven't seen complaints about not getting additional credits for winning with a team that someone got for free though. That's because we were told up front that was not part of the deal. What people are complaining about, to varying degrees, is that what was promised and what was delivered were 2 different things....regardless of whether or not it was free.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed May 14, 2008 11:50 am

If time were free, we would live for ever! Time is infinitely more important than money. How many people that are dieing would give everything they have for a few more years,months,weeks,ect. There is no such thing as a free lunch! I have spent many an hour on my SOM teams,"Free" or otherwise! And as a paying customer it is our duty to point out mistakes by this company(how ever few they may be). So please do not tell me I can not complain! Because I also have praised this company far more frequently than I have complained about it!
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Postby dennisfs561 » Wed May 14, 2008 5:42 pm

I could have put it on autopilot, but that would have been unfair to the managers that didn't. It would have cheapened their experience. Though it was free they too spent TIME.

When playing 86 became tedious instead of enjoyable, the TIME spent overcame the fact that it was free.

Yes, it was free and I took advantage of a good thing, but when the rules changed, it became, work-- not entertainment . Bernie changed his mind, but once I drafted my teams, short of tanking and giving up, I did not have the same luxury.
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Postby Free Radicals » Wed May 14, 2008 8:04 pm

Ok , my turn ! Many of you here are new to this site . I have been here since 2001 as a refugee from Smallworld , which sold all the other fantasy games offered here other than SOM to TSN . SOM has come along way since I started playing like 2003 or when ATGII was released . Now TSN has a track record that you newbies have no idea about but us TSN/SOM vets have lived with for years . No one here is complaining about getting free teams . By no means . I got 20 free teams with 4 accounts I used ,my own and friends and family who wouldn't play anyways . I knew that my 2 finals teams that are playing right now would not count for free credits . I originally had 20 teams made on one account , 14 of them were removed . 1) there was no limit when the game was released . Then TSN imposed a 5 team limit afterwards . I'm enjoying playing 86 . It's a good game but not as good as ATG , 70's 80's games , which are all premium priced at $24.95 . 2) Many of the 200X games were or are priced at $12.50 . In almost every league I have a team in most of the managers were rated at zero or they were new . I want those people to enjoy the game and continue playing ALL the games so this community of players can grow .3) one of the reasons TSN released 86 for free. BUT the changing of the rules midstream was wrong and left a sour taste in manies mouth. More thought should have been put into it's release BEFORE hand not afterward. This is bad planning by people that are supposed to be businessmen . They lose. If the game was at $12.50 I think it would have encouraged many of those newbies to pony up money and possibly explore the other games also . Instead a minimum of paying leagues have formed . Maybe with the ending of all these free leagues some will pay to play but the price is the problem ( I believe ) in getting folks to continue playing . If you can't complain when you think something is wrong your just army ants marching single file with no mind of your own . I prefer to be different not a follow the leader type . None of this rambling is meant to offend anyone , it's just one vets thoughts on what really happened and what is going on around here . I truly expect to banned from the boards someday for speaking out . I hope it never comes to that though . :wink:
Free Radicals
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Postby Phenomenal » Wed May 14, 2008 11:24 pm

"Stoned Walled, Don't get me wrong, I like to get stoned too. However you are making no sense what so ever! Maybe you should refrain before you post! Something for FREE,you say?????? Something for free? Are you serious? My time IS FAR FROM FREE!!!!! NOT ONLY THAT, I HAVE SPENT SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS WITH THIS COMPANY OVER THE LAST FEW MONTHS! HOW IS THAT FREE! WHAT IS FREE IS MY ADVICE! THINK BEFORE YOU POST!"

I have only 3 things to say about this: Childish, immature and SAD

Oh yea, and if your time is so damn precious to you and so valuable why are u spending sooooo much of it on a game. Oh and yea, rmilter, how much did you pay for your 5+ teams rmilter????? Nothing?????? oh that is free in just about every way. You fricken talk like this is some kind of damn job you have to do with your stupid quips about time. If this game isn't played for pure enjoyment then find something more useful to do with your time. You just made a fool of yourself

Sigh, some peoples kids
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Postby Phenomenal » Wed May 14, 2008 11:32 pm

Freeradicals, if you dont like they way they run SOM then play it somewheres else. Their site, their business, they gave something away for free, why they changed their mind, I'm not sure, but its there perogotive. If people don't like it create your own site with a couple million dollars and do it how you think is best, or find a different site if there is even one. I can't believe people are ******** about free teams. You guys don't have bigger concerns in life than this??? Man this game is a throwback to my childhood, a ton of fun, great stress reliever and a good competitive challenge. I stress and worry about real life, not about a game which when the dust settles really doesn't matter one bit where your manager rating is. All this crap takes a lot of the fun out of it for me, watching people ***** and complain about everything and anything. Either spend some money and have some fun or find something else to do.

Bottom line is thanks for the free teams TSN, I'm having a great time and I appreciate you letting me do it on your site for free.
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Postby dennisfs561 » Wed May 14, 2008 11:32 pm

FR, you have nothing to worry about. This is not the ATG forum, so I doubt Bernie has read any of this :) Sup Bernie? :lol:
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