WINTER 1969 - WEST LOADING - Gordie Howe is last team!

Our historical single season sets

Postby GFDWARF07 » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:14 pm

Yes, each team drafts the park of their choice from the 1969 season. The ballpark characteristics can be accessed on the draft site too. You draft the park you want sometime in the first 20 rounds - whenever you feel you need to. If you have built your team around a specific park then grab it earlier, if you have a lot of flexibility then wait until a later round.

Your team must have at least 2 catchers and 5 pitchers that are rated as SP's. It also has to have at least 4? pitchers rated as RP I think - can someone confirm that?

You will draft 19 players and a ballpark during our draft. Then when you form your team you will select those 19 players, plus another 6 to fill out your 25 man roster. We all compete for these final 6 players and the autodraft gives you the next position player down the list if yours is taken. But you are gauranteed the 19 you draft initially, as nobody else will select them. And you should make sure you don't select anyone already drafted by another team.

After the team is formed you select the ballpark you drafted in our draft - via the team set-up process.

Is this too basic? Let us know what you want to know. Is Gordie going to be able to keep an eye on the draft? He has yet to even post anything on our thread. Everyone else is ready to try to keep it moving I think.

We are a patient group, just want to make sure we can get this done in a few days.
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Postby franky35 » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:21 pm

For the 25 man autodraft, I think you need 5 pitchers that can start and 5 that can relieve and, in the 1969 game, I don't think you are required to have a minimum number of pure relievers.

By the way, I assume that during the season we can carry the roster max of 28 players. Is that right or will we be limited to 25?
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Postby GFDWARF07 » Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:46 pm

Yes, 28 is the roster limit.

For rj and Gordie - you pick up the final three roster spots after the autodraft has run on a first-come, first-served basis (a frenzy). This only applies to players 26, 27 and 28 on your roster. You don't have to carry more than 24, but with a high salary cap you might as well.
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Is Gordie committed like his namesake?

Postby GFDWARF07 » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:02 pm

rjnewman- I looked at Gordie Howe's member profile and it doesn't show a Strat-O-Matic certificate yet. I would imagine that is because he hasn't bought a team? He has a lot of good performance in Hockey, which is great, but no strat-o cert.

Are you 100% sure that he is committed to this league? He has never posted to our string here and has been "up" quite awhile now in the draft. If we need to find a replacement we can do that now, but it becomes tougher after we have started making picks. As I mentioned when we first corresponded, drafting like this is fun, if it keeps moving along, but the worst scenario is having someone not committed to the league bail out on us either during the draft or after the draft not forming their team - then everyone's time is lost - hard to find a taker for a team already drafted.

Now we just started last night, so we aren't too worried yet. I am guessing he's just a busy guy and that's cool - just give us some assurance here that he will be with us once we get going more fully.

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Postby G_MONEY » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:31 pm

Holy Crap, if I have to look at:

Petrocelli, Rico
McCovey, Willie

any longer I'm going to freak out!!
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Postby G_MONEY » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:38 pm

I just read your post GFDwarf and you're right, Gordie has never posted to our thread before. Strange. Makes me wonder if he knows what he's gotten in to.I think we should open this back up and get someone who's ready to go.
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got reply from gordie

Postby Rjnewman » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:40 pm

He says he will pick this afternoon. Says this will be last time he is slow. How are the three players used on taxi squad?Are their any limitations on bring guys up and down?So do we autodraft at same time the 6 players not taken in autodraft and then frenzy for those we3 want to drop and the three on taxi squad?Sorry for dumb question.
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Gordie has replied on the ilc board before we switched

Postby Rjnewman » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:41 pm

He is in.
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Re: got reply from gordie

Postby G_MONEY » Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:51 pm

[quote:a14760b2cc="Rjnewman"]He says he will pick this afternoon. Says this will be last time he is slow. How are the three players used on taxi squad?Are their any limitations on bring guys up and down?So do we autodraft at same time the 6 players not taken in autodraft and then frenzy for those we3 want to drop and the three on taxi squad?Sorry for dumb question.[/quote:a14760b2cc]

You and Gordie probably want to read the basic SOM rules.

AFter we live draft, you will put those players into your draft list (it helps to buy the team first then enter them as you draft them) and then fill out the roster with 6 players (making sure they weren't picked in the live draft).

You then rank the live draft players LAST in your rankings and put the other 6 "autodraft" players 1-6 in order of their importance to you.
Once all teams have loaded, HAL will draft our teams (or at least 6 players each). IN normal autodrafts, you get screwed out of half or more of your players (you'll never get Petro, Reggie and McCovey on the same team) and then there are waivers. This being a frenzy, you wait until the autodraft is over (usually around 12:10 AM est) and drop and add players to your delight or despair. Have 23-28 when all is said and done. You may pick up players from the Free Agent pool at your leisure up until the season starts.
After the season starts, there is a 20% penalty for dropping a player, unless GFDwarf makes this a 5/10/20 league.
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Re: Gordie has replied on the ilc board before we switched

Postby Risden » Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:10 pm

[quote:96dfe968ff="Rjnewman"]He is in.[/quote:96dfe968ff]

No draft pick made on the website yet! When you said "he is in", did you mean the league in general? or his actual draft selection?
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