by rosenthm » Tue May 20, 2008 7:03 am
Just realized that the results of all my 86 teams are not represented on my ratings page. I've read the posts and some excellent points were made. Here's my 2 cents (but the first five ideas are free):
1. I played in more than 5 free leagues and it was a great way to learn the cards of players I wouldn't have ordinarily used. From my perspective it was great and from TSN's perspective I guess it brought some new players to the game. So far win/win.
2. I'm not one to get into the "notches on my belt" mentality for how many playoffs and rings I've acquired, but I was really disapponted today when I looked at my manager rating page and realized that my first ring in a long time...did not count and only 2 playoffs were recorded instead of the five I deserved. We were told that we would get no credits but the results would count. TSN (Bernie) was angry that some abused the free offer, changed the policy about ratings, picked an arbitrary number(5), did Bernie roll a die? and now 3 of my 5 playoffs and 1 "champs" never happened! win/win becomes lose/lose.
3. 99% of my play is theme leagues and I guess it was just my luck that the better teams I had in the 86 leagues just happened to be after the magic #5 number. If five is the magic number for "counting" than the best five should count, not the first five. That would be even for everyone, why the first five? That's ridiculous!
4. Personally, I would not pay for another 86 team just to get more of my leagues to "count." That's like buying your manager rating. As a matter of fact, I'll pay for fewer teams in ATG3 because TSN (Bernie) has once again proven they have absolutely no respect for those of us that have played this game for a long time. If I weren't comitted to a couple of long time theme leagues, I would not spend another cent at SOM TSN, but unlike TSN (Bernie) I will honor my comiitments to my current leagues until they end. Then no more.
5. I'm NOT complaining about the opportunity to play the 86 game for free. Thanks for that chance....but I can't believe you changed the rules after the fact and that my 86 ring doesn't count. Your credibility, Bernie, has dropped considerably and I know I'm not the only one that will take all of what you say in the future with a grain of salt.