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Rotation feature problem?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:02 am
by kmkravitz
Have 4 SP* and 1 SP (listed as #5 starter, but not sure it matters where I would have him). Have all in [b:ccb80f6211]Your Pitching [/b:ccb80f6211][b:ccb80f6211]Rotation[/b:ccb80f6211] section. System skipped the 1 SP pitcher going back to next SP*. Thought using this feature prevented having to use the [b:ccb80f6211]Per-Game [/b:ccb80f6211][b:ccb80f6211]Starters[/b:ccb80f6211] feature?
If needed:

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:36 am
by Sykes25
This is a quirky bug across all SOM games currently.

It's on the fix list, but may be a bit due to background complexity despite it looking like an easy fix.