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Junior Ortiz

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 12:08 pm
The man hits singles like a champ, but he already has 15 errors in 78 games and for about 30 of the games he has been a DH! Has anyone else had this defensive problem with Ortiz. He is kind of one dimensional. He has no power,speed, or defense! But he hits for batting average like a champ!

Uncle Milte

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:52 pm
by durantjerry
I have Ortiz on a Fenway team where he is hitting .320+ and the team is good.
[url][/url]I think he is not really a plus despite his average. Besides the errors, where to bat him is somewhat of a problem. I am batting him third, but his run production is relatively low. I have seen similar results in other games from guys who don't run well and bat high in the order. Their run production is really dwarfed by guys who can run. For example, I had Reyes and Mauer batting 1-2 on a team. Mauer did well, scoring about 120 runs, but Reyes scored 150 or so getting on base less. The consensus was Reyes' OBP was too low to bat first, while Mauer was looked on very favorably as he had won the batting title and had a .400+ OBP. Reyes does something right, doesn't he?
Ortiz 264 27 85 14 1 0 32 21 29 0 0 14 .322 .368 .383 Bats Bats Third
Henderson 323 75 66 9 5 12 32 53 49 37 4 2 .204 .321 .375 Bats 1st
Webster 304 46 89 24 10 3 46 32 44 15 4 8 .293 .364 .467 2nd vs L
Trammell 328 50 92 13 2 16 59 19 34 11 2 9 .281 .323 .479 2nd vs R
To me, his run production is pretty low relative to the guys around him in the order.
Fisk(back up)72 12 18 0 0 5 11 3 11 0 0 3 .250 .290 .458
Even Fisk as his backup is better based on per game production. Although his BA looks good, he seems somewhat over rated because of it IMO.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:46 am
I agree with you. Because of his lack of speed and power I usually bat him 7th.