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Anyone use Mark McGwire?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:19 pm
by rcf23
In 1986 he hit 3 Hrs in 53 ABs which is a nice ratio. But his batting average is under .200 with 4 walks. Has anyone ever tried using this card at DH for the entire season? What were the results? Did he reach 30 Hrs with a .180 average.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:49 am
Why would you want a guy to hit 30 homers, with a .180 average? I would avoid him.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:50 pm
Used him as a DH for my pennant winning team. He hit 32 hrs but with only a .183 ba. Still, for .50M not a bad player for my team. I didn't play him in pitching parks. Since I had to play a cheapo player for the ninth slot, he did okay in my HR home park.