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fred stanley?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:55 pm
by tomwistar
Anybody had success with Stanley as starting SS against RHP? I know he's fine as a DH. But playing a 4 at such a crucial position seems suicidal. Has anybody won games with him in the infield?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:33 pm
by franky35
Stanley is better at 2nd since he would get fewer fielding chances. I've never used him, but I have used a 4 at SS and removed him for a defensive sub and it worked out fine. I just think that, other than DH, Stanley is a smidge overpriced given that he is a poor fielder. Love those triples though.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:48 pm
by Rick Smith
I have never tried him at shortstop, but i had success with him at second. The year I had him at second, I won 109 games. He makes a great second hitter because of the few amount of double plays on the card. :)