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1999 Stealing team

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:37 pm
by apolivka

Well, it took me a while to get over it, but I thought I would post my attempt at a 1999 stealing team. I thought with all the 'roids getting handed out like candy that year that I would be able to pick up pretty much all the good base stealers and give it a go. I didn't get Rodger Cedeno or Ricky, who were both listed in my top 3 in the autodraft, but pretty much got everyone else I wanted. I ended up with 422 steals and 183 caught stealing. My stealing percentage was a bit above league average at .698. Stealing was set to "very aggressive" every single game, and about half the lineup set to "steal more". As it turned out, it also turned into one of the worst collapses I have ever seen.

Here's how it went down:

games 1-98: 56-42 .572 (best record in the league)
games 99-162: 24-40 .375 (worse % than the worst team)
final: 80-82

Easily the worst collapse I have ever seen. And yes, I was still trying to win every series even after I was out of it.

Changes I made: none. I had one 15 game injury in that span, but other than that, no real bad luck. (Other than being 17-33 in one run games, but I wasn't all that lucky there for the first 100 games.) I guess trying to win with 400+ stolen bases isn't going to happen in a year when several teams hit 300+ dingers!