Thinking about starting a new league

Thinking about starting a new league

Postby Blutarsky » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:36 pm

I'm thinking about starting a recurring league. I'll start by posting this link to some folks that I know to see if they're interested, but if you're reading this, and it sounds like something that you might be into, then please feel free to sign up. [b:541326df82]Please read the instructions at the end before signing up.[/b:541326df82]

This league will be, at its core, a keeper league with a twist. That “twist,” however, can shift from season to season, depending on the whims of those who are least fortunate in the eyes of the Strat Gods. Interested? Read on:

Firstly, this is a keeper league, but each player that is “kept” can only be held for a maximum of three consecutive seasons, at which point that player is required to become a free agent and will go back into the player pool. This way The Babe, The Mick, and the other demi-gods of the league won’t be sitting on the same roster for more than three seasons at a time.

*Note that a player that is traded to a new owner is bound by the previous seasons of ownership by the previous owner. That player’s three season clock does not begin anew with his new owner.

The amount of salary that can be committed to your keepers depends on the salary cap for the upcoming season.

$200m - $60m
$140m - $50m
$100m - $40m
$80m - $30m
$60m - $25m

Here’s the twist. At the end of each season, the player with the WORST winning percentage has the option of selecting one CLAUSE that will alter the landscape of the game for the upcoming season. This clause will only last the duration of one season, unless otherwise noted. Those options may include:

“Green Acres” – All teams must select a ballpark during the live draft. That ballpark may not have a BPHR (ballpark home run) factor greater than 5 for lefties or righties. When this clause is invoked, owners are required to use unique ballparks.

“Bombs Away” – All teams must select a ballpark during the live draft. That ballpark may not have a BPHR (ballpark home run) factor less than 10 for lefties or righties. When this clause is invoked, owners are required to use unique ballparks.

“League Expansion” – The salary cap of the league increases by one step. (ie from $80 million to $100 million, etc.) The salary cap selected by this clause remains in effect until changed.

“League Contraction” – The salary cap of the league decreases by one step. (ie from $100 million to $80 million.) (*Note that custom cap sizes are not allowed. Only the pre-set cap sizes in use by Strat Online at the time of the league may be used. This rule applies for the “League Expansion” clause as well.) The salary cap selected by this clause remains in effect until changed.

“Grand Larceny” – Everyone with a record < .500 may steal one player from any other team with a record =/+ .500. *Note that only one player can be stolen from each winning team. The “steal order” will be based on winning percentage of the previous season, from lowest to highest. Ties will be determined by run differential, from worst to best. In the event of a run differential tie, divisional record will break the tie, from best to worst. *Also note that players that are stolen do not start their eligibility over with their new owners. If that player has already been held for two consecutive seasons, then there is only one more contract year remaining with his new owner.

“Forced Realignment” – League division placements for the upcoming season will be determined by the person holding the power for that season. Note that this will not affect draft order.

“Weasel Proof” – The holder of this clause retains the right to steal a draft pick to a player that has already been drafted at a future time. The drafted player in question has to have been within 12 picks of the clause being invoked. Example: The player holding the clause was hoping to get Ryne Sandberg with his next pick. Unfortunately, the owner that is three picks ahead of him just drafted Sandberg. When the holder of this power comes up for his actual pick, he notifies the Commish that he’s invoking his weasel powers for Ryne Sandberg. The poor sap that drafted Sandberg then drops Sandberg and makes a different pick. The holder of the clause then drafts Ryne Sandberg free and clear.

These are just samples of options available to the owners in charge for each season. Suggestions for additions are more than welcome, and if they’re fair and reasonable, and can be regulated within the context of the league then, at the discretion of the Commissioner, they may be added to the list of options.

The other necessary details of the league are as follows:

*Rosters will be determined with a live 8 round serpentine draft on Ballparks are not required to be unique, nor will they be drafted unless required by the clause that is being invoked that season.

*Draft order will be determined by random order. Each player will select a unique number between 1-12. A randomizer will then select the actual draft order.

*Unless otherwise altered by a clause that is in effect, divisions will be determined based on draft order, as follows:

East: 1, 4, 7, 10
Central: 2, 5, 8, 11
West: 3, 6, 9, 12

*The first two rounds of the draft will be done with no clock. At the commissioner’s discretion, the clock will be turned on. After the clock is turned on, there is a four hour clock in effect from 8am PST until 10pm EST. There is no clock on weekends.

*Note that players on the “flop” (meaning either the 1st or the 12th picks) do not get to double the time allowed on the clock when it comes to their turn, even though they have two consecutive picks. Four hours and you may be skipped.

*At the conclusion of the 8 round draft, teams will be autodrafted and will join the league as directed by the commissioner, depending on the divisional layout.

*The Commissioner retains the right to resolve any conflicts or rule questions not yet covered in writing.

If you're interested in signing up, please enter your name and [b:541326df82]send me a PM with a cell phone number and an email address. In order for the draft process to move efficiently, I need to have a way to contact you if you're holding things up.[/b:541326df82]



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