Please Read:
Besides your name, please post your Pick III Lottery, and the 0-1-2 players that you are protecting. Below that, please vote on the 2 polls - thanks! As with the other 2 polls, you may vote on all options that you're comfortable with.
ArrylT -
bigmahon -
cpl5454 -
dr. x -
gamiam -
goffchile -
Munich_Man -
novie -
Old Geezer -
tkl33 -
tycobb -
vmiller150 - GA; protecting Banks and Aaron
Poll I: How Many Rounds should the Draft be?
a -6
b -8
c - 10
d - 12
e - 14
f - 16
g - 18
Poll II: How should the Divisions be setup?
(a) Same as ATG II
(b) Based on Draft Order with 1/4/7/10, 2/5/8/11, 3/6/9/12 format
(c) Based on Draft Order with 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-8, 9-10-11-12 format
(d) First-Come First-Serve
(e) Choose Your Own Division Rivals