by B.o.b.b.y... » Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:43 pm
I have already given permission to League #2 to use tonight's lottery numbers. The same goes for whenever a league has everyone lottery state selection. The lottery reults will set divisions with East 1, 4, 7, 10; Central 2, 5, 8, 11; and West 3, 6, 9, 12 using the Pick 3 results from highest to lowest. The league needs to be set up as follows:
League name--Good People RD #1, LG #1...etc
80M, no dh, waivers, advanced and 20% penalty for drops
password protect and start loading
Do not finish loading until at least Saturday, October 7th in order to have a start date of Monday, October 16th....
Here's a status of the four leagues:
LG #1-- Hack Wilson and dr. x need to select a lottery state
LG #2-- Complete and will use Wednesday night's lottery results
LG #3-- Bunze0 needs to select a lottery state
LG #4-- Lindonman needs to select a lottery state
Here's the alternates status (please select a Pick 3 lottery state)
1. rgimbel-- NJ
2. bobschwartz22--_____
3. Crapgame -- ______
4. minnie minoso-- VA
5. irish iii --________
P.S. Deadline to sign in for lottery state is Friday, October 6th at 7pm Eastern Time. Then the alternates will begin to replace missing managers in priority listed above. Example--if it were the deadline right now then rgimbel would be alternate #1, Minnie Minoso would be alternate #2 because they have selected lottery states...When bobschwartz22 selects a lottery state then he will jump to alternate #2....