by joeoc » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:29 pm
[quote:a82712cb41="N Texas Widowmakers"][quote:a82712cb41="JOEOC"]Randomizer Position
1. traderj-I don't want the last pick this season
2. Dacelo - I'll pick anywhere - I just don't want to finish last this season.
3. artmaki
4. Minnie Minoso
5. Simon31
6. dspeters5
7. deepdrive
8. Mort
9. The Rivs
10. Joeoc
11. 13Baseballs
12. N Texas Widowmakers
Here is your sequence: Draft Position
Pos--Draw--Random Pos
1. 2----2. Dacelo
2. 10--10. Joeoc
3. 12--12. N Texas Widowmakers
4. 11--11. 13Baseballs
5. 8----8. Mort
6. 4----4. Minnie Minoso
7. 5----5. Simon31
8. 3----3. artmaki
9. 1----1. traderj
10. 9----9. The Rivs
11. 7----7. deepdrive
12. 6----6. dspeters5
Here is your sequence: Stadium Pick and Division Placement
Pos--Draw--Random Pos
1. 2----2. Dacelo
2. 4----4. Minnie Minoso
3. 6----6. dspeters5
[b:a82712cb41]4. 12--12. N Texas Widowmakers[/b:a82712cb41]
5. 8----8. Mort
6. 11--11. 13Baseballs
7. 5----5. Simon31
8. 3----3. artmaki
9. 9----9. The Rivs
10. 1----1. traderj
11. 10--10. Joeoc
12. 7----7. deepdrive
East Division
12.----7. deepdrive
11.---10. Joeoc
10.----1. traderj
9.-----9. The Rivs
Central Division
8.----3. artmak
7.----5. Simon31
6.---11. 13Baseballs
5.----8. Mort
West Division
[b:a82712cb41]4.--12. N Texas Widowmakers[/b:a82712cb41]
3.----6. dspeters5
2.----4. Minnie Minoso
1.----2. Dacelo[/quote:a82712cb41]
The west division doesnt look right to me. Shouldnt position nine be in the west ?[/quote:a82712cb41]
Ric, the #12 ended up in the Fourth position on the second randomizer run, putting, you in the West. Probably just have too many numbers up, which makes it a little confusing.:oops:
West--- [b:a82712cb41]4[/b:a82712cb41],3,2,1