by ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:24 pm
03 Jun 2006 01:03
1. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic) (583)
2. Edgecitytx (1073)
3. Kaviksdad (1642)
4. Jeepdriver (2216)
5. Sandlotshrink (1527)
6. Terpfan61764 (122)
7. CATom (1562)
8. Etdefender (2759)
9. TRichardson
10. Qksilver
11. Alphonso (1402)
12. JaserD
13. Jamie399 (3117)
14. ArrylT (2205)
15. Cubs48
16. Maligned
17. Dneedle1
18. Ehlekev
19. Tycobb
20. Jamesgang
21. Cubit (741)
22. Pacoboy(AP) - (34)
23. Cristano1 (2638)
24. Ineluki
25. Freakfrosh (573)
26. J-Pav (2447)
27. Riggodrill (5805)
28. B.O.B.B.Y.
29. Tyber (601)
30. Cummings2 +++++++ (447)
31. Stoney --- 526
32. gjtjeff ----79
33. Jerlins ---------------571
34. JD Early
35. charliewb (386)
37. jaydingess (1065)
38. PlayByTheRules
39. Bobm1007 (412)
40. Stevep107 (1132)
41. durantjerry(a.k.a. fatty)-------2,293
42. Glennglenn
43. Mav1
44. DrCPA -------341
45. Pinhead1987 ----------990
46. Spicki17 (1726)
47. Giddyup81------1557
48. Coffeeholic ------ 3370
With Lucky, Penngray and Joe the Jet out - I have replaced their spots with Ehlekev, Bobby, and Mav1.
CATom, if you could contact Ehlekev(As I heve never played with him) and get him to go over the format and rules and ask him to give us a Y or N, that would be great. I am in a league with Bobby and was in one with Mav recently and will contact them. Thanks.
i am also sending out pvt messages to Ineluki, Cubs48, Jaser, Dneedle1, Tycobb, Jamesgang, Ineluki and Glenn.
Chuck is working on AFDICKIE, Maligned, and JD Early.
So hopefully we'll have a few more or at least will have answers. I had been working with only 2-3 days off since May 1st.
Thanks everyone for your patience...
Robert(aka Swpsychic)