Giddyup, I am waiting on Cummings2...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:41 am

To get back to me on 3 other players and some I have sent PT's to...As soon as I get those definitive answers, I will invite others to take their places much more aggressively this week. As soon as I hear back from those 8. I will redo the list and see if we can get this up and running by the target deadline I have set.

Then once up, I will be back in Connecticut(Bridgeport/Fairfield) for about 5 days the weekend of the 23rd for my daughter's graduation from HS.

So I am definitely motivated to get it rolling at least a week prior to that if not sooner. :wink:

Posts: 55
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Updated List

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:24 pm

03 Jun 2006 01:03


1. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic) (583)
2. Edgecitytx (1073)
3. Kaviksdad (1642)
4. Jeepdriver (2216)
5. Sandlotshrink (1527)
6. Terpfan61764 (122)
7. CATom (1562)
8. Etdefender (2759)
9. TRichardson
10. Qksilver
11. Alphonso (1402)
12. JaserD
13. Jamie399 (3117)
14. ArrylT (2205)
15. Cubs48
16. Maligned
17. Dneedle1
18. Ehlekev
19. Tycobb
20. Jamesgang
21. Cubit (741)
22. Pacoboy(AP) - (34)
23. Cristano1 (2638)
24. Ineluki
25. Freakfrosh (573)
26. J-Pav (2447)
27. Riggodrill (5805)
28. B.O.B.B.Y.
29. Tyber (601)
30. Cummings2 +++++++ (447)
31. Stoney --- 526
32. gjtjeff ----79
33. Jerlins ---------------571
34. JD Early
35. charliewb (386)
37. jaydingess (1065)
38. PlayByTheRules
39. Bobm1007 (412)
40. Stevep107 (1132)
41. durantjerry(a.k.a. fatty)-------2,293
42. Glennglenn
43. Mav1
44. DrCPA -------341
45. Pinhead1987 ----------990
46. Spicki17 (1726)
47. Giddyup81------1557
48. Coffeeholic ------ 3370

With Lucky, Penngray and Joe the Jet out - I have replaced their spots with Ehlekev, Bobby, and Mav1.

CATom, if you could contact Ehlekev(As I heve never played with him) and get him to go over the format and rules and ask him to give us a Y or N, that would be great. I am in a league with Bobby and was in one with Mav recently and will contact them. Thanks.

i am also sending out pvt messages to Ineluki, Cubs48, Jaser, Dneedle1, Tycobb, Jamesgang, Ineluki and Glenn.

Chuck is working on AFDICKIE, Maligned, and JD Early.

So hopefully we'll have a few more or at least will have answers. I had been working with only 2-3 days off since May 1st.

Thanks everyone for your patience...

Robert(aka Swpsychic)
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby J-Pav » Mon Jun 05, 2006 4:44 pm


Too much time on my hands. :wink:

1. Riggodrill (5984)
2. Jamie399 (3490)
3. Coffeeholic (3375)
4. Etdefender (2778)
5. Cristano1 (2666)
6. Pacoboy (2645)
7. J-Pav (2448)
8. durantjerry (2367)
9. Jeepdriver (2310)
10. ArrylT (2222)
11. Spicki17 (1819)
12. Kaviksdad (1674)
13. CATom (1649)
14. Sandlotshrink (1560)
15. Giddyup81(1557)
16. Alphonso (1448)
17. Stevep107 (1236)
18. jaydingess (1225)
19. Edgecitytx (1083)
20. Pinhead1987 (1005)
21. Cubit (817)
22. Tyber (678)
23. Cummings2 (670)
24. Jerlins (650)
25. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic) (608)
26. Stoney (612)
27. Freakfrosh (580)
28. Bobm1007 (540)
29. charliewb (398)
30. DrCPA (339)
31. Terpfan61764 (203)
32. gjtjeff (79)

33. B.O.B.B.Y.
34. TRichardson
35. Dneedle1
36. PlayByTheRules
37. Mav1
38. Tycobb
39. Glennglenn
40. Qksilver
41. Cubs48
42. Jamesgang
43. JaserD
44. Ineluki
45. Ehlekev
47. Maligned
48. JD Early
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby maligned » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:28 pm

1. Riggodrill (5984)
2. Jamie399 (3490)
3. Coffeeholic (3375)
4. Etdefender (2778)
5. Cristano1 (2666)
6. Pacoboy (2645)
7. J-Pav (2448)
8. durantjerry (2367)
9. Jeepdriver (2310)
10. ArrylT (2222)
11. Spicki17 (1819)
12. Kaviksdad (1674)
13. CATom (1649)
14. Sandlotshrink (1560)
15. Giddyup81(1557)
16. Alphonso (1448)
17. Stevep107 (1236)
18. jaydingess (1225)
19. Edgecitytx (1083)
20. Pinhead1987 (1005)
21. Cubit (817)
22. Tyber (678)
23. Cummings2 (670)
24. Jerlins (650)
25. Robvoz(Aka Swpsychic) (608)
26. Stoney (612)
27. Freakfrosh (580)
28. Bobm1007 (540)
29. charliewb (398)
30. DrCPA (339)
31. Terpfan61764 (203)
32. gjtjeff (79)
33. maligned (67) (not a zeros missing)

34. B.O.B.B.Y.
35. TRichardson
36. Dneedle1
37. PlayByTheRules
38. Mav1
39. Tycobb
40. Glennglenn
41. Qksilver
42. Cubs48
43. Jamesgang
44. JaserD
45. Ineluki
46. Ehlekev
48. JD Early
Posts: 55
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Hey Mal...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue Jun 06, 2006 1:10 am

I responded to your message and made a space for you right after you left it...Then I didn;t know where you disappeared to. Glad to see you're back...I am waiting on several people to get back to me as I have left messages for everyone on the list.

Hopefully, i will at least get responses by Wed, at which time I am going to send out more invites to replace them.

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Postby maligned » Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:18 am

Sorry about that...when I initially posted something, I didn't expect to get added right away, and I was still trying to decide if I had the time/moolah to jump in. I should have communicated more clearly. I'm in now, though. :)
Posts: 55
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Postby CATom » Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:06 am

bump - for the new guys to SIGN up :lol:

BTW - left a message for Kev, should hear soon!
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Jerlins » Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:25 am

Wow, I am so far down the list in manager's ratings. I'm thinking we do a live draft with lowest ratings getting the higher picks to give newbies like me a fighting chance. Yep yep, works for me.
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Postby cummings2 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:29 am

J. You're a genious! It works for me too!

ooopsy and BTW, there a typo on my manager rankings...should read 42.

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It appears that Qksilver will not be back...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue Jun 06, 2006 12:18 pm

To defend his 05' LOTO TITLE...Good luck in your other endeavors, my friend. You'll be missed here after playing in every LOTO since inception. :(

If anyone has other suggestions for Quality players, I am open.

Quality = Very Competitive and Very Cool.

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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