Summer - Winter Keeper League Chat

Postby hk mossy » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:49 am

I am back. I was on vacation and did not bring my computer
hk mossy
Posts: 55
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Postby hk mossy » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:52 am

I understand that you like to know that everyone is in as the draft approaches, but I knew when the draft was and was unable to check in over the 2 weeks i was in west palm. It was family time and no internet (per the wife and kids request). I really like this league and did not want to give up my team.
hk mossy
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ironwill1 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:24 am

You can give Damian my team and let HK have his back. I am playing in other Keepers and could lose 1 or 2 anyway. Let me know.

Posts: 55
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OK for damien

Postby jflatour99 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:05 am

I just talked to my uncle (damien) who's on the road.

He's gonna take the Ironwill's team but will make different drops or keeps.

He'll look at it shortly.

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Postby ironwill1 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:02 pm

Let's hear from TC first...
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Postby tcochran » Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:43 pm

Thanks to ironwill and damien for trying to help the league out of the difficult situation which HK caused. I do not believe that should be necessary, however.

[b:33157d522b]To HK Mossy[/b:33157d522b]: The request to check in by the 22nd was posted on the 14th, so it appears you had plenty of time to respond prior to your vacation, if you so chose.

You disappeared in the middle of the initial draft in another league last month and now you chose to ignore this league, too. It seems to me that one of the basics of being in a keeper league is to show respect for your fellow managers and, except for emergencies, to participate on a regular basis.

I see no reason to allow HK to join this league again, unless most of the other managers think that would be a reasonable thing to allow.

What do you all think?
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Postby hk mossy » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:19 pm

I understand and appreciate your response to this issue and completely understand whatever the decision is made. Please reference back to the pm i sent you and you will see that I will be in full agreement to the decision that is made. You must understand that there was certain circumstances that created my inability to draft and continue in the keeper league you are referring to. I am in multiple keeper leagues and I understand the rules, respect the integrity of the rules and my fellow league members. If you decide to that I should not have my team and continue in this league I am OK with that, but please do not base that decision on the points that you made in your last post. I really enjoy being in this league, but whatever decision happens will be.
hk mossy
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Postby hk mossy » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:27 pm

you know what. It is not in my nature to be argumentitive and create problems. I realize I created a problem by not checking in, (I did see the drop list and just forgot to check in before i left on vacation) and I do not want to create a new one by caring this issue any further. I did not adhere to the rules, so i do should not be allowed to have my team back. Damien you can have the team as it was decided based on my absence. You guys enjoy the league going forward and I will be more cognizent of deadlines going forward (which I always have been before the last month or so). Damien, I hope you can get a little bit more out of this team than I did.

Best regards,

Hk Mossy
hk mossy
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Postby damien666 » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:40 pm

For my part, I feel ill at ease to comment on this situation and I prefer that other managers, who have more experience in this league than I ,the care to settle the problem, no matter what happens, I'll be behind you guys...happy new year everybody.
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Postby tcochran » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:30 pm

[quote:5710d8adac="hk mossy"]you know what. It is not in my nature to be argumentitive and create problems. I realize I created a problem by not checking in, (I did see the drop list and just forgot to check in before i left on vacation) and I do not want to create a new one by caring this issue any further. I did not adhere to the rules, so i do should not be allowed to have my team back. Damien you can have the team as it was decided based on my absence. You guys enjoy the league going forward and I will be more cognizent of deadlines going forward (which I always have been before the last month or so). Damien, I hope you can get a little bit more out of this team than I did.

Best regards,

Hk Mossy[/quote:5710d8adac]

Thanks for your response, HK, and for your graceful departure from a sticky situation. We will go forward with damien taking over your old team in this league.

On the other hand, I look forward to participating in other leagues in the future with you, HK, when circumstances will allow you to be fully engaged in them.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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