USKL3 chat thread

will be a touhg line up

Postby mwatson392 » Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:29 pm

U will have a tough line up.. It was fun making the deal.. I wanted to add an Ace to my rotation (all under 3 era) to give me a tough 1,2,3 punch! Escobar hurts my speed but i can live with him.


Line-up?? Depends on Cards



sanchez or bUress
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Postby mwatson392 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:41 pm

very quiet the last few days.. Im was working on a deal thats on hold.

ANything else a brewing?
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Re: niner

Postby BBY » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:01 pm


Also keep in mind, [b:1a4b497a0a]ALL[/b:1a4b497a0a] players who have played in MLB last year will be available whether or not they have a TSN card. So if you draft a guy, you own him whether he gets a card or not. It's [b:1a4b497a0a]YOUR[/b:1a4b497a0a] gamble if he's a bubble guy.[/quote]

If this is the case, anyone could have drafted Soto or Chamberlain or any number of players in the initial draft last year? Have the draft rules changed?
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Postby Ninersphan » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:04 pm

[quote:7971c918ee="Watts"]very quiet the last few days.. Im was working on a deal thats on hold.

ANything else a brewing? [/quote:7971c918ee]

Nothin here :wink:

I'm curious to see you're next "blockbuster" watts, assuming it goes through...

good luck.

I will take this time to give you all some updates though.

I'm expecting the Ratings book to come out anytime in the next 1-2 weeks. When I receive my copy, I'll post the new numbers for Ball Park Singles and HR's then we can take care of the stadium draft. I'd like to get it out of the way ASAP, mostly because I'll be on vacation in the middle of February.

A Note about stadiums. Both NY teams will open new stadiums this year, if someone should draft Shea or Yankee stadium in our stadium draft, they will then have to use Citifield and New Yankee stadium in subsequent years. I will only be allowing change of stadiums if we have change of owners in between years.

[size=10:7971c918ee](FWIW, I've seen conflicting reports on how Citifield will play. One report, based solely on engineers datd suggests that it wil be at least as pitcher friendly as Shea has been. In another, apparently David Wright and a few other Mets went to the new field to get a feel for how the ball would fly, and in these sessions it was discovered that the ball got out a bit better than it did in Shea, so who knows??)[/size:7971c918ee]

I'm leaving for St. Croix USVI on Feb.11 and will be back Feb 19th. I don't expect to have internet access at all, but I might, depending on whether my in-laws bring their laptop to the house they are renting there.
Given that this is about the time Strat is releasing the board game it shouldn't effect the start of our league at all as I don't anticipate TSN launching until middle of March.

I'm going to attempt to assemble a Pre-cuts list of available players by Friday of this week, but I make no promises that I will be successful. Keep in mind that at least 110 more names will be added to that list once we all submit our cuts. If I get it done I'll send out an e-mail with both an updated roster and the draftable players list.

As always if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask.
Last edited by Ninersphan on Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: niner

Postby Ninersphan » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:26 pm


[quote:830641d3b8="Ninersphan"]Also keep in mind, [b:830641d3b8]ALL[/b:830641d3b8] players who have played in MLB last year will be available whether or not they have a TSN card. So if you draft a guy, you own him whether he gets a card or not. It's [b:830641d3b8]YOUR[/b:830641d3b8] gamble if he's a bubble guy.[/quote:830641d3b8]

If this is the case, anyone could have drafted Soto or Chamberlain or any number of players in the initial draft last year? Have the draft rules changed?[/quote:830641d3b8]

The rules haven't changed per se, there were simply different rules for the initial draft:

[quote:830641d3b8][b:830641d3b8]Initial Draft:[/b:830641d3b8]
1) The initial draft is a 41 round live draft. Rounds 1 through 40 are for players; Round 41 is for the stadium.
2) [b:830641d3b8][color=red:830641d3b8]Only those players who were issued SOM cards this year (2008 for 2007 season) and appear on TSN"s website are [size=18:830641d3b8]eligible for the initial draft.[/size:830641d3b8] [/color:830641d3b8] [/b:830641d3b8]
3) The initial draft is serpentine; all subsequent Free Agent drafts are non-serpentine based upon the previous season's regular season records. Draft picks are tradeable. [/quote:830641d3b8]

This was done to intentionally leave some surplus players for this years draft. It is not expressly said in the rules for subsequent drafts that all players are eligible, but was the intention ( Hence the phrase about the initial draft above) and I've mentioned it many times since we started.

In fact here's a post from last April during our initial draft discussing this very matter( You can find it on page 8 of this thread):

[quote:830641d3b8][quote:830641d3b8="Dalinoth"]Ninersphan - isnt using the draft site somewhat problematic b/c I believe the USKL rules allow you to draft players for your 40-man roster that were NOT in the prior's year's TSN strat set? Please advise.[/quote:830641d3b8]

[quote:830641d3b8="kaviksdad"]The initial draft is limited to only those with cards - subsequent spring free agent drafts are different in that you can draft players without cards. [/quote:830641d3b8]

What KD said. Actually it's helpful because the draft site is limited to the exact card database we are using. One big reason why I want to swtich over.

We will not in all likelihood be able to utilize that site in the coming years because of the reason you state, [b:830641d3b8]uncarded players, that have MLB experience will be draftable in upcoming spring free agent drafts and the cards won't be loaded because they will be based on what TSN has available.[/b:830641d3b8] [/quote:830641d3b8]
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Just wondering...

Postby Ninersphan » Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:35 pm

Hmmm when I made my last post there had been 24110 views of this thread since my last post there's been 24133, there's only 12 of us sooooooo.

who's peaking in, or are you guys taking crib notes? :wink:
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heads up!!!

Postby the splinter » Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:53 pm

I will be out of country Feb 23-Feb 28...very limited internet access.....

Cabo baby!!!! 8-)
the splinter
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Postby BBY » Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:46 pm

are we permitted to drop prospects before the spring draft?
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Postby Ninersphan » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:25 pm

[quote:4e4d7002cc="BBY"]are we permitted to drop prospects before the spring draft?[/quote:4e4d7002cc]

Huh, this question makes no sense???

Why would you want to drop a prospect???
You are allowed up to 10 prospects on your roster at anytime, and no one is there yet. Not only that but you have up to 2 years to keep a player as a prospect before you have to decide whether to drop or promote. We've only had our prospects 1 year, so that isn't an issue yet.

Now if you mean [b:4e4d7002cc]promote[/b:4e4d7002cc] a prospect to your active roster, then yes, do this with your drops. Just remember after your drops and promotions, you must still have an active roster of [b:4e4d7002cc]no more than 30 or less than 25.[/b:4e4d7002cc]
For your case specifically BBY, I"m assuming you will want to promote Davis, Aviles and Bruce so you will need to list at least 13 drops because you have 40 active players currently.

So you drop:
10 for the draft,
[u:4e4d7002cc]+ 3[/u:4e4d7002cc] for your promotions for a total of
13 drops

and that leaves you with 30 active players and 3 prospects.
Prospects do not count towards your 40 man roster.
Of course if you want to drop more active players so you'll have more draft picks, you are allowed to drop enough players to get to 25 active, so you could still drop 5 more if you so chose.

Again all of this is in the rules on the first page of both this thread and on the first tab of the roster spread sheet.
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Postby Ninersphan » Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:02 pm


Also keep in mind, [b:0c66cbd3d5]ALL[/b:0c66cbd3d5] players who have played in MLB last year will be available whether or not they have a TSN card. So if you draft a guy, you own him whether he gets a card or not. It's [b:0c66cbd3d5]YOUR[/b:0c66cbd3d5] gamble if he's a bubble guy.[/quote:0c66cbd3d5]

If this is the case, anyone could have drafted Soto or Chamberlain or any number of players in the initial draft last year? Have the draft rules changed?

[color=blue:0c66cbd3d5]are we permitted to drop prospects before the spring draft?[/color:0c66cbd3d5]


So have I answered your questions BBY??

If you have any more LMK. :D
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