I could go back into the discussion about nominator options, but if Joe can get us a program for sealed bid options, woo hoo! problem solved.
A Sealed bid program would be my preference. If we can have a program that reveals the bids when 24 hours is up, or when all 12 bid, which ever happens first, that would be great. If that was too complex, and it could only reveal after 24 hours, that would still work for me.
Thanks for working on this Joe!
The only change I would like to see from the last auction: first five players on the block, open to proposing manager, not the 5 most expensive players: Buck, Ruth, Gibson, Maddux and Buck Jr.[/quote:2091e83121]
In earlier discussion, it seems a majority of folks would like the original nominating owners to have choice, rather than most expensive players, I think choosing those owners by randomizer is a good idea. DO, if you get chosen and want to put up Buck, more power to you!