USKL3 chat thread

Postby Ninersphan » Wed May 06, 2009 1:20 pm

[quote:22209f3741="the splinter"]Snowdragons and pounders complete a trade

Snowdragons recieve:
B.J Ryan
[color=darkred:22209f3741][b:22209f3741]2nd rnd prospect pick[/b:22209f3741][/color:22209f3741]

Pounders recieve:
Takashi Saito

Kaviksdad to confirm[/quote:22209f3741]

I'm assuming that's a 2nd round [b:22209f3741]2009 Summer [/b:22209f3741]prospect pick and not a [b:22209f3741]2nd round 2010 Spring or Summer [/b:22209f3741]prospect pick???
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Postby the splinter » Wed May 06, 2009 1:30 pm

it wasn't specified so I assume the next prospect draft opportunity
the splinter
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed May 06, 2009 1:34 pm

Confirmed - Saito for Ryan & a 2009 2nd rd. prospect pick

Sayonara Saito :)
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Postby cummings2 » Thu May 07, 2009 2:39 pm

[quote:00d61978ef="Cummings2"]I don't get it...

I have the third best offense, only off by 6 RS to be tops in the league...

I have the 6th best pitching...

My exp. rec shows at 36-33 which would put me tied at the 4th best record in the league...

yet I'm sitting at 29-40 wth the second worst record in the league and things ain't getting better as I'm riding an 8 game losing streak :(



The quote comes from back around game 69... after game 114:

Exp W-L: 60-54 (which would tie me for 3rd best in the league)
Actual W-L: 52-62 (Third worst in league)

My offense is now 2nd best in league and my pitching is still 6th best inching towards 5th best

12-25 in 1-run games...

other than Russell Branyan's .671 OPS there isn't any major disaster in the team... weird funky team.

Oh, BTW, I named this team after my ex... maybe that's why :wink:

...Oh, well, gotta roll with 'em

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2 more days

Postby Ninersphan » Mon May 11, 2009 2:44 pm

Until rosters expand.

I can't wait to get out of the east division next season though. 2 words, BRU-TAL I'm 10 games over and in third place, I'd be leading either of the other 2 divisions. :shock:
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Postby Cubs48 » Mon May 11, 2009 3:31 pm

2 weeks ago my team was 1 game in front (albeit only 1 over .500),now I'm 16 games under and closer to last place....can I be in my own division next season ?... :lol:
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Expansion day

Postby Ninersphan » Wed May 13, 2009 6:59 am

Hey all, rosters can expand to 28 for the stretch run starting today. Good Luck the rest of the way.
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Postby qksilver69 » Wed May 13, 2009 9:08 am

Niners - if you would be leading either of the other 2 divs, doesn't that mean you'd stay in the East? :P
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6 games left...

Postby Ninersphan » Thu May 21, 2009 8:32 am

...and the only thing decided is the East with nythawk into the playoffs.
In the Central smitty needs only 1 win in his last 6 to ensure a playoff berth. In the West, can splinter hold off the hard charging cshannajr(8-2 in his last 10) and maintain his slim (3 games) lead to take the Western division crown.

Qksilver and I are tied for the wildcard, with me holding the H-T-H advantage if we end up tied. We face off tonight in a HUGE series needless to say.

good luck to all except qksilver of course. :wink:
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Finals start tonight...

Postby Ninersphan » Thu May 28, 2009 7:13 am

In the better late than never department, congratulations to the other 3 playoff teams, Nythawk, splinter and my opponent in the finals 7smitty7.

there were 3 pairs of teams that finished with identical records. Tiebreaksrs for determining the following draft order and divisional alignment were HTH record and then in 1 instance, runs scored. With that here is the draft order for the supplemental draft and the Summer prospect draft. along with the divisional alignment for season 2:

1. Cubs48
2. klx22
3. Kaviksdad
4. Cummings2

5. Terry101
6. cshannajr
7. watts141
8. 7smitty7

9. splinter
10. qksilver
11. Ninersphan
12. nythawk

Evreyone owes up to 3 drops for the supplemenatl draft except for:

Cubs48-Owes up to 2
Cummings2 Owes up to 1
Ninersphan Owes uo to 2

I'd like to get drops in by the end of next week so we can start the supplemental draft soon after.

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